Chapter Twenty-Nine

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 I take my place on the floor sitting with my back to the couch. Allowing the men to take the chairs. I know what I said but how am I going to make it happen? This has to stop but how? How do I end this? Where do I start? 

"Start with her." He whispered 

"Will someone bring my mother in?" I ask. One of Maddox's men immediately jumped up and headed out the door. A few minutes later she appeared and looked at me. Relief covers her face but she doesn't say anything.

"Edgar killed my dad." I said after a few minutes of silence. Her mouth fell open and then snapped shut. Her brows are furrowed and her eyes pinched. Then a look of disgust took over. 

"I never had proof but I suspected." She admitted. 

"What made you think that he was responsible." Malkai asked. 

"When I took Nora to the hospital she wouldn't talk. Not that she was ever a chatty kid but something was off. I noticed after a few minutes that she was holding her tongue weird. I knew exactly what she was hiding but I never said anything. Once she had identified Shouta's body and was cleared from the hospital, we went home. When we arrived home he had torn up their rooms looking for it. " She said. 

"He wanted the SD card that was in Shouta's camera." I added.

"Which was useless because he couldn't find the laptop either." She said. 

"Of course he couldn't, it wasn't at the house. It never was well, not for long periods of time anyway." I said gesturing towards the laptop that is sitting on the coffee table. 

"Nora, we arrested your mother for being involved with your disappearance. I know that she helped you by helping you leave. She also stood by many times and watched you get hurt. I'm going to let you decide what we do with her." Maddox said. I watch my mothers eyes go wide with fear and her gaze swings back to me. 

"After this is over will you take her back with you? Find something for her to do there? as long as she is safe, has food and a place to sleep I will be happy." I asked. My mothers can't hide her astonishment. I guess she felt like I should punish her for not stopping my fathers abuse. I don't blame her though. She couldn't have stopped it even if she wanted to.She can't help that the moon goddess paired her with a monster. I just hope she atleast can find love within herself. 

"So, should we set up a trap to lure Edgar out here?" Maddox asked. 

"It would be the smart thing to do."  Malkai said. 

"I don't know if he would fall for any trap." I sighed. 

"What's going on in that brain of yours?" Malkai asked, running his fingers through my hair. 

"So, Edgar killed Shouta. This is a fact. Edgar raised me as his own child. I'm assuming it's because he had hoped I would tell him who obtained Kostchtchie or where he could find him. So, when mom helped me escape it made him angry. He then sent someone to set a trap to catch me. When I fought back they aka Nettle turned me into you know this. However, what I don't understand is why I woke up alone. You would think Nettle would have drug me back." I explain thinking out loud. 

"Well, I've been doing some research on Kostchtchie." Hikaru said. All eyes turned to him expectantly. 

"There are seven demon lords that rule over hell. They all are stupid powerful of course. However they are kind of like Sukuna from Jujutsu Malkaisen. They can't be killed just sealed or fragmented away. If their  location or fragments are found they can only reincarnate if the person is powerful or deemed worthy enough to be their vessel." Hikaru explained. 

"So, even if Nora was killed and Kostchtchie was set free they still couldn't control him?" Maddox asked. 

"Correct." He said with conviction. 

"Kostchtchie isn't going anywhere." I hissed. All eyes turned to me with various looks of shock and dismay.

"What deal did you make with him?" Malkai asked, examining the seal on my palm. 

"It doesn't matter. The only thing that he wants is to be left alone. If that's all he wants then that's what he will get." I declare

"Okay, where do we start?" Malkai asked. 

"I have an idea. It's kind of risky but I think it will work." Lilliana said. 

"Out with it." Maddox said. 

"Nora is technically a minor." Lilliana said. 

"Yeah, not by choice." I mutter. Mom looked at me with sympathy while everyone else ignored me. 

"What, if you call Edgar and tell him you found her. Every wolf is required to be a part of a pack. Since she isn't, that would make her a rogue wolf. I am technically incarcerated. I wouldn't be able to assume guardianship of her. He would have to come pick her up." Lilliana slowly said. 

"You're hoping if he knows where Nora is he will call his people. Then they will all assemble here with the intention of either kidnapping Nora or killing her. All in the name of obtaining Kostchtchie?" Malkai asked. 

"I know it's risky." Lilliana said, chewing on her fingernails.

"I don't like it." Malkai said. 

"It's a good plan." Maddox said. 

"I was honestly thinking the same thing." Hikaru said. 

"The decision is yours Nora."  Malkai said. 

"If we are going to do this we need to be ready. The wolves here need to know how to fight. I need to master these new powers. We need to get a lot of blood on hand too. Malkai and I  are going to be expending a lot of energy.  The last thing we need is for one of us to fall victim to blood lust." I slowly said, trying to make sure I got my point across.

"Are we all in agreement?" Maddox asked. 

Everyone nodded in agreement. 

"Let's make the call in two weeks. That should give us more than enough time to prepare." Malkai said. 

"Let's go practice our grappling techniques." I said letting a wicked grin take over my face. 

"Yes, let's"  He said. I didn't have to see him to know he was smiling too.  

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