Chapter Twenty-Six- Malkai

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"What is that demon doing with her?" I demand looking at my lifeless mate. She has been asleep for ten days. She keeps leaving me. I can't even be mad. It's not her fault. None of this is her fault.

"Not a clue. He said something about making a deal with her and then poof both are gone." Maddox said. I honestly didn't want an answer. I was there. I know what happened. 

I eyed Hikaru who had planted himself in the corner of the living room. He has refused to leave outside of doing basic human needs. Personally, I blame him for this. If he hadn't shown his face then he couldn't have called the demon out. I could have convinced Nora to stay. The mate bond was doing its job.  We wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for him. 

"I just hope she wakes up soon. We can't do any weapons training without her. We have been working on improving the pack's stamina and basic skill. It won't be enough. They need weapons training." Maddox's beta said, earning a glare from all of us. Who gives a fuck about training right now?

Suddenly a groan breaks the tense silence. I look down at my mate. Her eyes are closed but her face is twisted in pain. 

"Is there still blood in the fridge?" I asked, looking at Maddox. 

"Yeah." He said disappearing into the other room. Quickly returning with a bag. I don't know when she last fed. So, I wanted to be prepared. We already have a lot going on. We don't need to add massacre clean up to the list. 

"Before I open this you guys need to clear out." I said waving the bag around. I don't know how she will be when she wakes up. I can handle her. Her bite won't hurt me. Everyone but Hikaru nodded in agreement. Before he could voice his protest Maddox picked him up and threw him over his shoulder. Then they all strolled out of the house. 

"Nora, it's time to wake up." I say tearing off the corner of the bag. The scent of blood permeates  the air making my throat burn. How long has it been since I last fed? I am met with black eyes. A loud snarl escapes Nora's lips. Her fangs are barred. She snaps at me.

"I know it hurts but I am going to make the pain go away." I assure her. 

I turn the bag up and let the earthy blood fill my mouth. Another snarl escapes her lips. she moves to lunge at me but I meet her half way. I slam my lips onto hers. When her lips parted the blood I was holding trickles into her mouth. A feral sound leaves her and her nails dig into my shirt. She is pulling me into her. She needs blood and I'm her life line. She can't get it any other way.

I break the kiss and cautiously  show her the remainder of the blood bag. She looks between me and the bag but makes no move for it. Is she curious to see what I will do with it? Does she think I am going to drink it? Does she want to share it? Drinking blood can be a sexual thing. Is that what this is? 

Letting my dick do the thinking I pour the remainder of the bag in my mouth and crush my lips to hers once again. Instead of sounding animalistic, a more human sound escaped her lips. A moan. A very loud moan. Her fingers fisted in my shirt. This time the force of her grip sent all of the buttons flying to the floor. I back up a fraction to look at her. Her eyes are still black. Not a hue of red dancing through. I notice the trickles of blood that have escaped her lips  and are slowly making their way down her throat. I lean down and lick off the excess. A wolfish grin takes over her face as she arches into me. 

"You want this?" I whisper into her ear. Her legs fall apart allowing me to settle in between them. The only answer that I got was the flash of her fangs. 

"Can you promise not to bite me?" I ask, trying to keep the smile off my face. If I wasn't thirsty myself I would be down for it. Her face was blank and neutral for a minute. Even if she agrees, I can't put my explicit trust in her words. She is still extremely thirsty but I wont leave my mate to suffer.  I lean down and capture her lips again. This time I try to keep the pace slower. It should help her focus on something other than blood. She smiled against my lips and then I felt the slight brush of her fangs. 

"No ma'am." I whispered against her mouth. She hissed at me. I expected curses to follow in typical Nora fashion but they didn't. Instead her black eyes locked on mine. I grabbed her hips and flipped her over. Positioning her so her ass is in the air. I pull her weird military pants down over her hips leaving them bunched around her knees. 

"Nora?" I say running my fingers through her folds. She is wet and moaning at my touch. She still seems disoriented. I won't penetrate her without some type of verbal consent. When she didn't answer I pushed again. 

"Nora!" I tried again. When she didn't respond I decided to use a different tactic. 

"Ichika!" I said with a little more force behind it. Suddenly her body went rigid. Then her dark eyes are on mine. All the emotions that she was displaying a few minutes ago are now gone. 

"Hai?" She said, I felt my eyes widen a little bit. Don't tell me the demon wiped her memory. Wait, she wouldn't be willing to do this without knowing who I am. That's absurd right? 

"Do you want to continue?" I asked continuing my assault on her pussy. She looks at me and gives me a sharp nod. 

"Say the words." I demanded. 

"Yes." She said and that was all I needed. I freed my cock from its confines and slid home. This wasn't like our first time. This was different. It was animalistic, dirty, hard and fast without any remorse. We had been without each other for too long. I don't like the emptiness that her eyes hold.  

Once we were finished we both remained still connected together. Taking a few minutes to catch our breath. Once I felt that I was softening I pulled out of her and tucked my dick back into my pants.

Nora stood up and pulled up her pants. She tilted her head to the side and looked at me for a long moment. It was an eerie kind of stare. It's like she could see through me. Could she see what was inside my head? Before I could  say anything she spun around and strolled off towards the bathroom without another word.  

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