Chapter Thirty-Four -Malkai

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If I could cry I would. It feels like my heart has been ripped out of my chest. She's not gone but she is asleep. She will be asleep for a long time. I didn't have a choice. Not being able to see her smile or hear her laugh makes my heart hurt. But I didn't have a choice.

"Come on, let's get her inside." Maddox said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I glance over at him. His expression is painful and his eyes are filled with tears. I nod and pick up my mate. Once we are inside I gently place her on the couch. Then I go into the bathroom and grab a warm washcloth and immediately start working to clean her up.

"What do you need Malkai?" Maddox asked.  

"I need to finish things up here and get her home. Everyone knows what she is. She's too vulnerable here." I said not looking at him.  

"Malkai, your family's castle is in shambles. Is your house secure?" Maddox asked.

"Of course. I'll have nothing to do but guard her all day. It will be okay as long as we are together." I said, trying to keep my voice from cracking. 

"This goes against everything we have ever been taught. I know we are supposed to be enemies but we have always been friends. I don't know how this would work but come stay with us until it's safe to wake her up again." Maddox said. 

"Why? Why would you do that for me?" I asked, meeting his gaze. 

"You're my friend and she kind of grew on me. I mean don't get me wrong she's bat shit crazy. She's fearless, kind, and loyal to a fault. I didn't see it but I felt it. She lost it when I was thrown into the tree." He said, smirking.

"Yeah. You're her friend. In her own twisted way she loved you but we can't stay with you. Vampires don't get involved in werewolf business. Your family is there. You have a pack to run. We would be undermining your whole kingdom by being there." I explain offering him a sad smile. 

"Malkai, I can come with you." Hikaru said slowly. 

"Why?" I asked. 

"My brother is sleeping too. I know it's exhausting having to guard them alone. It takes a toll on your mental health . Let me help you." He pleaded. 

"Wait, someone survived other than you two?" Maddox asked with wide eyes. 

"Yes. When our friends started dying he used a spell to put himself to sleep. He left me the spell so I can go check on him. Then I can wake him up when it's time. I go check on him every ten days or so." He explained shrugging. 

"Is that why you smelled weird that one day?" Maddox asked. 

"Yeah, I went to visit him, why?" Hikaru asked. 

" The scent of my mate was on your clothing. You're coming with us. " Maddox growled. 

"Nope. You're not my king and. I am going wherever Ichika is going.." Hikaru said simply. 

"You can't." Maddox said but I interrupted him. His fist ball up and his body is pulled tight. He is ready to fight. No, he is going to fight. Hikaru knows where his mate is. If he decides to run off Maddox will have to go through the effort to hunt Hikaru down. I would probably kick his ass too.

"We will go with you." I said. I watch Maddox's shoulders sag in relief.  He jerks his head up as his version of a thank you. 

"Is everyone okay?" Mr.Hardy  asked, knocking on the door. 

"We're all okay. How is the pack? How many did you lose?" Maddox asked, returning to his business mode.

"Everyone is relieved that this is over. We only lost seven. I was expecting more. So this is the best possible outcome. We couldn't have made it this far without your help. Thank you for everything you have done for us. " Mr.Hardy said, offering his hand out to Maddox. 

"I'm sorry for your losses but I agree this was a great result." He said, shaking Mr.Hardy's outstretched hand. 

"Is Nora still here? Esmeray asked me if she could come say goodbye before everyone left." Mr.Hardy asked. A silent sob escapes my lips and I place my forehead against hers. Before taking a deep breath meeting him at the door. 

"Nora isn't here. She had some stuff to do but to tell Esmeray that she enjoyed their time together and she hopes to see her again in the near future."  I said, offering Mr Hardy a fake smile.

"I will!" Mr.Hardy  said. 

"Mr.Hardy  can you have some of your men get Light ready? He will be coming with us." Maddox asked. 

"Will I be able to visit him in prison?" Mr.Hardy asked. 

"Yes after six months." Maddox said, offering an apologetic smile.

"I know he screwed up but he is still my son." Mr. Hardy said. He then turns around and walks outside. To supposedly get his son ready to leave.

"Where are we going to hide her?" Maddox asked, turning to face me. 

"I don't know but she needs to be where no one can find her." I said. 

"I can hide her with my brother." Hikaru offered. 

"Is it safe?" Maddox asked. 

"They couldn't find Kuroyuki's magical signature when they were hunting us down. If they couldn't find him then they won't be able to find him now." Hikaru said confidently. 

"What's the catch?" I asked. 

"The spell has another five years left on it." Hikaru said, rubbing the back of his neck. 

"You mean we will have to suffer without them for five years?" I asked. 

"Yeah but she will be completely safe." He assured me. 

"Okay." I agreed. I walk over to my mate and sink to my knees. She looks so peaceful and relaxed. She deserves to rest. She's been through a lot. I kiss her forehead. Her eyelids. Her nose. Her lips. I tilt her head back and bite her neck. Even as she sleeps I hope she can feel the love that I have for her. I pick her up and carefully place her in Hikaru's outstretched arms. He nods, closes his eyes and chants a few words. Then they were gone.

"Come on man. We have a lot to accomplish over the next five years." Maddox said, offering me a grin. 

"Yes we do." I said grinning back but secretly praying that the next five years fly by.  

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