Chapter Twenty-Three

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I looked out observing the pack that my army is on their way to slaughter. I couldn't help but wonder what makes this pack so special. I get that the kid is special. Everyone seems so fixated on the pack as a whole. I mean snatch the kid and get out. There are thousands of wolves all over the world. There are nearly a billion humans. If you need bodies, pick from another pool. I mean does this pack deserve to suffer that much?

Wait, why do I care?

I relax back on my perch and wait. It is taking them forever to catch up. What is the hold up? Are they so stupid that they can't figure out where there target is. I mean they did plan all of this without me. They could have at least beat me here.  What's the point in all of this?

"Maddox, it's been over a month." A man sighs. His voice is so deep and melodious. It's sexy. I would let this guy whisper sweet nothings in my ears all day long.  

"We will find her man. She isn't gone. She is just lost." The man he called Maddox said. The side of my face is slowly starting to burn. It's like having an iron being held an inch from your face. I look up to the sky. It's dark and cloudy. The sun isn't causing the pain. I turn my attention back to the direction of the voices, just to hear nothing. I quietly pull the AR from its resting place on my back and open my senses to the area surrounding me. Where did they go?

I spin around just to find the barrel of my gun sitting dead between the eyes of the most beautiful man I have ever seen. My fingers hover above the trigger but I can't pull it. I should be able to pull it. Why can't I pull it? 

"Nora." He whispers not moving from his current position. If he is scared, he sure as hell isn't showing it. The burning sensation on my face jumps up a notch on the pain scale. My throat suddenly feels like ash. It's like I have been in the desert and he is the tall glass of water that I so desperately need. His eyes are a gorgeous shade of red. White ink covers one side of his face. It's so beautiful. He is alluring. 

"Uh, I hate to interrupt your special moment, but we have got company."  The muscular tan broody dude on the ground called out. I close my eyes and open up my senses once again. seventy-five of them. Perfect formation. All armed. All attempting to breach pack grounds from the front.

"Ha! Ha! They are bolder than I thought!" I cackle. I rip my cloak off and throw it at the beautiful man. Not missing his expression when he sees my military uniform. I jump down from the tree and race to meet the army. I can't wait to see their faces when they see me.

"Where is the girl? If you give us the girl, we won't harm your people!" I hear none other than my second command yell across the territory. I just hope the people here aren't dumb enough to believe the false promises. They will take the girl and kill everyone else. Wait, why do I care?

"Ha! I think it's funny that you thought you were going to get away with this!" I snort stepping out from the shadows. 

"Executioner." He says, crossing his arms across his chest. His expression is cool. His black eyes give nothing away. Other than the fact he is thirsty. We both know that having an ounce of humanity makes you weak. The mere promise of pardoning everyone is evidence that he has some. Not that I am any better. I'm over here caring and what not. 

"Want to explain what you are doing here?" I ask. 

"You were procrastinating. Master wants the girl, and you wouldn't bring us here. Magdalene ordered us to come and grab the girl before you noticed." He said, repeating his orders.

"That's cute but I warned you. Anyone who goes against my order would face certain death." I said letting my voice fall flat.  

"You think you can go up against seventy-five of us alone?" He sneers. 

"Not. A. Problem." I snort . I pull the AR from my back and fire until I empty the clip. I pull another magazine from my sash and fire until I empty yet another clip. Everyone who once was under my command looks at me with wide eyes. They quickly recover and charge forward. 

I pull out the  silver spear from the pocket of my tactical pants and sling it. Forcing it to expand out to its full length. I meet them in the middle and start swinging it wildly. Laughing as ash rains down. I launch myself at a soldier and sink my teeth into his neck. Drinking his nasty blood before shoving my weapon through his chest. 

"Please have mercy!" One yelled, sinking to her knees. Her hands are clasped in a prayer position.

"There is no mercy for those who disobey me!"  I growl thrusting my spear forward watching it imbed itself into her skull.  I strike multiple matches and throw them at soldiers. Their faces of sheer terror make me cackle with joy.  

I eventually find myself standing alone. Uniforms and weapons litter the ground. Due to the gentle breeze ash is polluting the air. 

"Wow." The beautiful man said, pushing through the crowd. 

"It looks like my job here is done." I said brushing the ash off my hands. 

"Don't tell me you are leaving." The beautiful man said. He sounds sad. Why is he sad? 

"I have places to be and people to see. None of them are here." I sneer. None of which are true. I mean who wants to be back on the compound with Magdalene? Not me. 

"Ichika, here you are! I have been looking everywhere for you!" A man said, pushing his way through the crowd. His accent is heavy. English clearly is his second language. I look him over. He is Asian. His slanted eyes are a hazel color. His hair is long and split down the middle. Half is royal blue while the other half is inky black. He is pale with a slim  build. 

"Who the hell might you be?" I ask. 

"What do you mean who the hell am I? My brother was in a band with your father." He said. I crossed my arms over my chest and popped an eyebrow. 

"Wow! He really did a number on you." He said leaning in to get a better look at me. 

"Seikou no tame ni. Watashi no namae wa Hikaru desu." He said. 

"In English." I demand. He looks at me like I have grown two heads. Am I supposed to know what he is saying? Am I supposed to know who this Ichika is? Am I supposed to know who he is?

"Fine, have it your way." He said, crossing his arms across his chest. 

Something about this guy makes me feel uneasy. I am confident in myself and my skill set. I can take on any one and win. This guy is a wild card. I can't get a good read on this guy. What is he anyway? A wolf? A human? What is he playing at? 

"My name is Hikaru and it's time for you to come home," He stated.

"I don't know who the hell you think you are but no one tells me what to do." I hissed. 

"You really want to stay here with these guys?" He seethes throwing a thumb back at the two guys I was talking to earlier.

"I don't care about them. I live for myself." I state pulling my bow around, placing an arrow in the shelf, drawing the string back ready to fire.

"None of us should have been there that night. If we hadn't our families would still be alive. You would still be a wolf and you would be at home in Japan where you belong." He growls. 

"If any of you want to live, I suggest you get inside."  He said addressing the crowd around us without taking his eyes off of me.  

"I'm not leaving my mate with you!" The beautiful man seethes. Wait what? I jerk my head towards him meeting his gaze.

"Anata no sougi." He shrugged. 

"Kostchtchie Ichika wo ika seru toki ga ki ta." He whispers.

Pain rips through my skull. My body feels like I  just spent three minutes in the sun. My limbs feel like they are being torn from my body. It's worse than my first shift. A scream escapes and

my world  goes black.  

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