Chapter Eleven

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Light hit the ground with a thud and sat up clearly confused by what had transpired. I hopped over his desk and stalked outside. I know the men behind me are calling out to me demanding me to stop. My prey is right in front of me, and I don't intend to let him go. At least not without making him understand what he did to me. I tower over him, and his eyes widen. Panic and fear flash through his features.

"You're a vampire! How? when? How long?" Light quickly asked.

"Hmmm, let me see, it probably happened a couple of days after you made the deal with Nettle!" I scream, putting my booted foot on his chest.

"If I would have known that he was going to turn you I wouldn't have made the deal! I swear!" Light said. His eyes are wide with panic.

"You know what it's like to feel your wolf die?" I demand slowly removing my gun from its holster.

"Miss Bleau, stop! If you kill him, you will never forgive yourself!" Maddox yelled. I ignore him. This man ruined my life. He is going to pay.

When Light didn't say anything, I rack the slide and aimed it at his chest. I want him to be scared. I want him to fear for his life. I want him to feel like he doesn't stand a chance to escape. To make it out alive.

"All I can do is apologize and hope that you will forgive me." Light squeaks out.

"That won't happen!" I hissed.

"We were so good together. I never forgot about you!" Light said, reminiscing. Is this seriously happening? I get everyone handles these situations differently, but this is ridiculous.

"You really think now is a good time to walk down memory lane?" I ask placing the muzzle of the gun directly on his chest.

"I just want you to remember how much we loved each other." He chuckles. A few days ago, his words would have made me swoon. Now they just make my blood boil.

"Ha! I never loved you! I loved the idea of you, and I hate that it took me almost five years to realize that!" I grit out.

"You don't mean that!" He says. His eyes show nothing but sheer pain.

"You are scum! I lost my home, my family and my life because of you! You sold your sister and your pack to a vampire because of your obsession with me! You have done nothing but lie to me since I got here. If Malkai wouldn't have called the Werewolf King, you and everyone else here would be dead. All because of your selfishness! Do you have anything to say for yourself?" I demand. My hands shake with anger. My finger is itching to pull the trigger. My vision flashes from the colored world to red.

"I don't regret my decision! It brought you back to me." He says.

"You have got to be kidding me!" I said exasperated

"Light, I suggest you stop talking!" An older man growls. I look out of the corner of my eye and see that it is his father. Who is also clearly pissed off.

"Hehe! Daddy dearest now knows the truth now!" I cackle.

"How could you do this to us?" His father demanded.

"Yes, Light, how could you do this to us?" I ask mockingly, knowing that my face is twisted in a sadistic grin.

"Are you going to do something with him?" Light's father asked, clearly talking to Maddox.

"Yes! We will prosecute him once we get everything settled here. Pending that Miss Bleau doesn't kill him first." Maddox assures him.

"Now, now Nora, we don't play with our food." Malkai says approaching me with a grin on his face.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you?" I ask turning my attention back to Light.

"You can't find Nettle without me." He said simply. The more he talks the more irritated I get. How dare he underestimate me.

"I've heard enough!" I said raising my gun and struck him across the face with the butt of my weapon. His eyes fluttered closed, and his head fell off to the side. A trickle of blood runs down over his temple. The sweet scent of his earthy blood assaults my senses. My body stiffens, telling me to resist but his blood calls to me.

Suddenly a pair of strong arms are wrapped around my waist, gently pulling me away from Light's unconscious body. My body bucked forward fighting against its hold. The same hands clamp over my nose and mouth. The sweet scent of tobacco, coffee and vanilla fills my senses. My body relaxes.

"Will, one of you guys please go retrieve the helmet from the Alpha's office? She doesn't have much practice controlling her thirst." Malkai calmly said. A few seconds later the helmet was carefully strapped onto my head.

"Are you okay now?" Malkai asked, holding me close.

"Yeah." I want to sound confident, but my voice is shaky.

"Nora, I swear that I had no idea." Mr. Hardy said.

"Did you know that his obsession was this bad?" Maddox asked.

"I knew that he was devastated after she moved away. I know that he never dated anyone after she moved. I just always assumed that he was trying to focus on his job as an alpha. I never would have imagined he would offer up his sister or his pack to find Nora again. Honestly, I assumed that she had either settled down or was dead." Mr. Hardy says in a voice full of disappointment

"Nora, I know this might not mean much coming from me, but I am truly sorry for what my son did. I am happy that you are alive, well and seem to have someone that makes you happy. I would appreciate it if you would stay and help us." Mr. Hardy said, turning his attention to me. Malkai's arms are still wrapped tightly around my waist. So, I couldn't turn to fully face him.

"Nora, what do you want to do? The Werewolf King and his warriors are here. They should be able to handle this by themselves if you don't want to stay." Malkai said.

As much as I want to leave and never see Light again. I can't leave everyone here to die because of his mistake. This whole thing is partially my fault.

"We can stay as long as they keep Light away from me." I give.

"That's not a problem. Since he will be spending his time in the pack's jail." Maddox said, jerking his head towards Light's unconscious body.

"Now that, is settled, let's go through his office and search through his files." Maddox ordered.

"Yeah! Let's get to work." I say offering a smile that no one can see.  

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