Ch 7: The Project

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Details. Details. SHOWING. This is gonna be harder than I thought. Thanks so MUCH for waiting!! :D


Ciara's POV:

As the afternoon wore on, I realized I hadn't yet notified Nan Nilda of my trip tomorrow. I quickly went down the wide staircase of smooth marble. For a second or two, I thought of going the rest of the way barefoot. Before I knew it, I had stopped. I stepped out of my slippers and set my feet down on the pale marble, warm to the touch as the sun's rays had settled on it. I left my slippers and searched for Nan.

I followed my nose to the kitchen which was spewing a delicious mix of the smell of coffee, cinnamon, and mint. Nan loves cooking. This is the reason why she's chubby as she is, having a body full of curves. She isn't fat though.

I passed under the archway from the dining hall leading into the kitchen. I was greeted by soft yellow walls encircling the large round area. It's not shaped in an exact circle, but it was spherical. I saw Nan in the far corner, taking out some newly-baked muffins. She spied me looking at her and smiled at me warmly.

"Why don't you sit down, Cha?" she asked. I pulled out a wicker chair, running my fingers along the patterned weaves of the wood. I pulled my legs up under me and faced Nan.

"What kind of muffins did you bake?" I asked, studying the mocha-colored pastries in front of me.

"Why don't you try them? They're chocolate cinnamon ones." I reached for one, but instantly recoiled my hand at the searing heat. Nan chuckled. I had forgotten they had just been taken out of the oven not a minute ago.

While waiting for the muffins to cool a bit, I told Nan about the project I would be doing at Kennedy's house. She nodded and sipped the dark brewed coffee she loved to drink during afternoon siestas.

A comfortable silence settled down on us like a blanket and I leaned back and closed my eyes. The kitchen was a comfortable place. It almost always gave off a warm environment, with the exception of nights since it turned cool. I had hung out here a lot in my younger years, sipping fresh warm milk I had prepared myself when I couldn't sleep. I still do, though I was often overcome by tiredness to get any sleepless nights.

I opened my eyes and touched the muffins lightly. They were now warm. I took the first one I had touched and bit into the soft bread. Rich chocolate assaulted my taste buds and was soon followed by a light cinnamon aftertaste. I looked at Nilda and grinned, "Delish as always, Nan."

In reply, she reached for one as well. She took a bite and chewed slowly. I watched her as she closed her eyes to savor the taste. "The chocolate was a bit overdone," she suddenly grumbled. Nan has always been a harsh critic.

"It's perfect!" I exclaimed, eyes wide. "You know how I simply love chocolate."

"But that's because you love chocolate," she announced, giving emphasis on the word 'because'. "If you didn't love chocolate so much, you'd think it was too much."

"It could be the taste you want to let them experience," I argued.

"Don't argue with me, young lady," she joked, her face drawn in a serious mask. "I know my cooking better than anyone," she replied, shaking her spatula at me.

"All right," I grinned, putting my hands up in defeat. "They are good, though. You make the best chocolate stuff ever."

[Saturday morning]

We pulled up in front of Kennedy's house. 2301 was clearly seen on the cement post. I looked at the gate through the tinted windows of the car. It was mad of wrought iron and was designed in vertical bars. Two curving spirals topped it off. George went down from the car and rang the doorbell. A young woman in her twenties came out.

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