Ch 25: Out in the Open

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Dedicated to: zoe_xOx

How do you like the new cover and title?


The dimly lit hall was silent as we entered.

George flicked on the lights, and started carrying the luggage to our rooms.


I looked around for the source of the voice, slightly surprised that someone was around. As I whirled, I caught the eyes of my father.

I halted. "What?" I asked tonelessly.

"Have you eaten dinner?" He asked, walking towards me.

I frowned, "Yes.

I moved to walk past him when he muttered, "How was your trip?"

I studied him in disbelief. That must not have been right. I was sure my eyes almost looked like they were popping out of their sockets.

"Huh?" I mentally slapped my face. Nice choice of words.

I studied his features warily. "It was fine," I replied slowly.

"That's good," he turned on his heel and started up the stairs.

I followed him with my eyes, unable to move.

He stopped at the top step and called out, "Good night."

My jaw dropped open. I was utterly blown away.

"And you too, Nilda."

"Good night, Mr. Gregor," Nan replied, reacting more elegantly than I had.

I blinked. And blinked again, shaking my head. I'm just tired, I'm just tired, I'm just--

"Well?" Nan asked, interrupting my thoughts. "Are you going to keep mumbling to yourself?"

I sighed. "Good night, Nan. Sweet dreams," I smiled weakly.

She studied me for a moment before patting my head. "Good night, dear. That was reality, by the way."

I looked up at her, my eyes filled with confusion.

She smiled then headed off looking for a good night's rest.

I figured I wouldn't be able to sleep anyway, so I turned and walked out into the dimly lit night.


I vaguely remembered stumbling up the stairs tiredly... but I didn't remember how I was able to set an alarm in that state.

I shrugged, my thoughts veering towards yesterday's events....

A sharp nudge on my side shook me out of my reverie.

"Ow!" I looked up, annoyed.

My eyes fell on Nad's smirking face.

I raised an eyebrow. "Yes?"

"I never got to ask you what time you left."

My forehead creased in confusion.

"What do you mean what time she left? You guys hung out without inviting me?"

I looked back to see who had spoken. "Oh, hi Mau!" I smiled.

"Well?" She tapped her foot impatiently.

I turned back to Nad. "Yeah, what do you mean?"

"You know, your flight?"

Ohhh, that. "We left at around eight in the evening," I replied.

"What time did you get home then?"

I  gave him a look of disbelief. Why on earth would he ask that?

"What?" He exclaimed.

Beside me, Mau rolled her eyes. "You sound like my dad."

I chuckled, thinking that he sounded like George.

"Fine, fine. I was just worried since it was pretty late."

I looked up just as Kennedy approached, suddenly finding my gaze meeting his eyes. Surprised, I quickly looked away.

"Why would you be asking about her flight, anyway?" Mau queried.

"We met at Hong Kong," Nad answered.

"Hey, I was there too!" Kennedy looked at me with wide eyes.

I shrugged. "Well, I never expected to see him. Or you." I added as an afterthought.

Kennedy groaned. "You guys should tell me where you go just in case we can see each other!"

"Yeah, me too! You never know how much can happen in a day," Mau winked at me. "Ciara, do you mind going with me to the bathroom?"

I stood up silently, giving both boys a small wave since I felt like I'd be too obvious if I as much as looked at Kennedy.

Mau wasted no time in cornering me once we came to the hallway. "I know who it is."

I gazed at her blankly.

"I know who your crush is," she smiled creepily.

"I told you I didn't have one!" I argued exasperatedly.

"Tsk. Tsk," she tutted.

"Lying to me won't get you anywhere, Ciara," she sang, amused.

I rolled me eyes. "Yeah, sure whatever. How was your break?" I changed the subject, not liking how Maureen was always into gossip.

"Come on," she wheedled, ignoring my question. "You're going to tell me someday anyway. Why not now?"

I sighed. Tell her one day? How would she know?

"It's Kennedy, isn't it?" she stared at me, eyes glittering. "I know you like my cousin."

I sighed again. She'd probably get off my case if I answered. "Yeah, I do like him."

I looked up. "Happy?" I added sarcastically, just to let her know how much I hated it.

She immediately emitted a girly squeal.

Alarmed, I immediately covered her mouth.

"Stop it!" I hissed. "What if someone hears you?" I exclaimed.

She rolled her eyes. "So?"

I blinked. "So they'll know!"

"Stop overreacting, Cha." She looked at me mischievously. "What if he likes you back?"

I glared at her. "Like that's possible," I scoffed.

She rolled her eyes. "You never know...."


I'm halfway! Or idk... the story's almost done, tbh. Maybe a few more chapters?

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