Ch 9: School

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98 reads, 8 votes, and 10 comments. Never thought I'd get this far. Thanks y'all :D

Oh hey. And Lily Collins as Ciara. The photo's somewhere down below. I can't find a younger version of her so yeah :) Just imagine what she looked like when she was around 10 or something ^_^


I have been talking more to Kennedy and Nad lately, Kennedy especially. He's so annoying. Do you know what he's been doing lately? He's been trying to surprise me.

I shut my locker door after taking out a blue headset for our Speech Lab class. I fingered the lock's buttons to lock it and quickly walked back to our classroom, but then I heard a loud sound behind me and a heavy weight suddenly bearing down on my shoulders. I whipped my head around and saw--no other than--Kennedy. I mentally sighed. That was shocking. I studied him after that initial shock and saw his grin fade.

He made some grumbling noises and glared at me. "Poker face," he accused.

"What?" I asked intelligently.

"Don't you dare tell me you didn't get surprised by that." He sighed and loosened his clamp on my shoulders. I faintly heard a "Let's get to class." coming from him, but didn't realize until a few moments later that he was propelling me forward. He's actually pretty strong. I wasn't really walking much; he was the one pushing me.

I shook my head slightly.

"What?" he peered at me from behind.

I looked up at his downturned face and said, "I wonder how many more times you're go--" Gonna. "--gonna surprise me." One side of his mouth quirked up at my pause, but he let it slide, preferring to answer the question. I think.

"Until you scream for me," he smirked arrogantly.

For some reason, I couldn't help thinking of something else, different from what he implied. My mind focused on thinking that he wanted me to call him whenever I needed help. Of course, what he actually meant was that I had to scream in surprise. Still, what if I tease him? I grinned devilishly. Inside, of course. "Kennedy!" I half hollered.

He glanced down again at me quickly, concern lacing his eyes. "What?"

I was too stupefied by his eyes, concerned eyes, to reply. He has such intense eyes though. They were so clear, so--

"Ciara?" he suddenly interrupted my thoughts. "You okay?"

I suddenly remembered my goal. "I thought you wanted me to scream for you," I remarked innocently.

He snorted. "For someone so smart, you can be really stupid sometimes." He grinned again, the action lighting up his eyes.

"I am stupid! Not smart!" I huffed.

He rolled his eyes. "So you say." He looked serious again for a moment then turned to me smiling, "But people think differently."

I looked around the hallway. It was lit by bright white ceiling lights, but the sun's golden rays still outshone the electricity. I looked back at him again and said, "I really am not smart."

He released me since I was already walking by myself.

"Yes, you are."

"No, I'm not."





"Yes too."

"No too."

He suddenly poked my side. I stifled a scream. He smirked at me wickedly. Oh no. I suddenly spotted the classroom's doors up ahead and dashed in. I went to my place in the line behind a girl a bit shorter than I was. I was fifth in my class alphabetically.

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