Step forward

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I step forward
Into this new life
That has been laid out in front of me
My head turns to look over my shoulder
Everything I have ever known is there
Just one step back
I look forward to see a land of possibilities
Just one step forward
My heart aches for the familiar
As my brain tingles with thoughts of what is to come
A whirlwind of emotions take over me
At this very moment...
I'm scared
Scared of what is to come and what could happen
But in order for good to come
There must be some bad
As I turn my head over my shoulder
I realize that leaving the comfort of an old home
Is a sacrifice I must make
In order to guarantee a bright future of my own
My heart begs me to go back
As my feet push me forward
One step forward
To uncovering my true purpose
My line of fate
My meaning
From now on I must step forward
In order to break a cycle
To make my own life
My own future

written from the soulWhere stories live. Discover now