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Run run run away
I can run but I can never escape
The truth chases me like a predator
As I run hoping it will get better
My legs begin to become sore
As fear shakes me to my core
The fear of facing reality
The reality that feels like my own fatality
As I run... I trip and fall
My knees become bloody and raw
The ground itself swallows me whole
Whispering a truth that has yet to be told
I'm dragged deeper into the pit of your lies
Only now seeing them in a new light
It can't be true... this can't be right
My heart screams still wanting to fight
But the whispers tell me otherwise
I can't run no more
As the truth caught up to me faster than ever before
Leaving my mind and heart at a forever war
Because this reality is something I can't just ignore

written from the soulWhere stories live. Discover now