Chapter 8: The 'Date' Before The Party

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Jungkook's Point of View..

"Hey, Jimin. Are you excited for the party tonight?" I ask as I walk next to him.

"Yes, I'm so excited! I have to go home and change clothes!" Jimin says as he smiles at me.

"I'm excited for tonight, too!"

"Well, I'll see you tonight, Kookie." Jimin says as he unlocks the door to his car.

"I'll see you then." I say as I unlock the door to my car and sit in the driver's seat.

As I drive home, I'm planning out what I need to wear. I rush inside and start looking through my many clothes.

"Ugh! I don't have anything to wear!" I exclaim as I fling myself onto my bed.

"Kookie? Are you home?" Mom asks me.

"Yes, Mom! I'm in my room." My response is muffled from my face buried in my pile of clothes.

She walks into my room as she starts laughing.

"What are you laughing at, Mom?" I ask with my head still buried in my pile of clothes.

"Jungkook, why is your head buried in your clothes?"

I sit up as I say, "I need to change my clothes. I'm hanging out with my friends at a party."

"I think you look just fine, Kookie." She says as she tries to stop herself from laughing.

"I can't look 'just fine'! I have to look good!"

She smirks as she asks, "And who are you getting so dressed up for?"

My face turns crimson as I lightly throw a pillow at her.

"Mom! Are you going to help me, or not?" I say as I lay back down and bury my head in the mountain of clothes.

"Yes, I'll help you, Jungkook." She says as she finally composes herself.

"So, who are you dressing up for, Jungkook?" She asks.

"You probably know him.."

"Is it Taehyung?"

"No, Mom! It's Park Jimin."

"Jimin? I thought he bullied you when you were younger.."

"He did, but we've come to an agreement to not be mean to each other." I say.

"I see. Well, are you planning on taking him to dinner before the party?" She asks.

I snap my fingers as my eyes brighten. "I wasn't planning on it, but that's a great idea, Mom!"

She grins as she starts laying out clothes. She ends up picking a navy blue polo shirt, and khaki pants.

I get my phone out and send a text to Jimin:

Jungkook🐰: Hey, Jimin. I was wondering if you wanted to get dinner before we head to the party?
Jimin🐥: Hey, Kookie! I'm down. But where would we eat?
Jungkook🐰: Hmm.. maybe a hibachi restaurant?
Jimin🐥: Sure!
Jungkook🐰: I'll pick you up in 20 minutes.

As I put my phone down, I hardly notice that I have a smile on my face.

"So, I'm guessing that that was Jimin.." Mom says as she notices my smile.

"Yes it was, and we're getting dinner before we head to the party." I say as my smile widens.

"It's official: my son has a crush!" My Mom says as I blush.

"Mom! Stop! You're making me blush.." I say as I laugh.

"Fine, fine. I'll stop."

I head to the bathroom to get ready. As I'm leaving, I tell my Mom, "Goodbye, Mom! I'll see you later!"

"See you later tonight, Kookie!" Mom responds.

I get in my car and drive over to Jimin's house.

Jimin is waiting outside so he gets in the car.

On our way to the restaurant, I tell Jimin, "I hope it's ok that I asked if you wanted to get dinner with me.."

"Of course it's ok." Jimin responds as he smiles at me.

I glance at him to smile back

Jimin looks at my outfit as he says, "You look really good.."

I blush as I say, "You look good, too.."

The rest of the car ride is silent until we pull into the parking lot of the hibachi restaurant.

I get out of the car and wait for Jimin to get out. Then, we walked inside the restaurant.

"Hello, guys. How many will be eating with you?" The host asks.

"Just the two of us." Jimin replies.

"If you would please follow me, guys." The host replies as they lead us to our seats.

"Thank you." I say as I sit down.

Once the host leaves, Jimin asks, "So how has your Mom been doing with the cancer?"

"I think she's still in denial. She still carries on with life as if she's not sick. I know that she gets tired, but she tries to hide it. I think she will be starting chemotherapy soon." I say as I avoid eye contact.

Jimin wordlessly grabs my hand from across the table as he says, "She sounds like a strong woman, Jungkook. She'll pull through."

"Thank you, Jimin." I say as I tightly hold his hand in mine.

"Do you know what you want to eat?" Jimin asks.

"Um.., yeah. I think I want to get chicken and noodles." I say.

"That sounds really good. I think I'll get the same thing."

As the hibachi chef comes to our table, we tell him what we want to eat.

As the chef is making the food, we watch the roaring flames grow and we hear the crackle and pop of the oil hitting the stove top.

As the chef leaves, we dig into our food.

The flavors explode on my tongue as I eat every last bit of my food.

As time passes, we leave and go to the party.

Wordlessly, I hold Jimin's hand as we walk out of the restaurant.

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