You Look Beautiful.

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She despises me. I initially assume that when she doesn't shake my hand before realizing it. She is now blind. My hands are hers alone; she will never see them. She won't ever be able to see the love I have for her when I look at her.

As I was going to pull back my hand, Heng made a noise. He awkwardly grinned. Ah, Freen, he gave her sister a gentle elbow and said, "Mon is offering her hand for you to shake."

Freen grinned despite being surprised. She sounds like she's about to chuckle. Freen pointed to her dark spectacles and said, "Mon, forgive me. I don't mean to laugh at you. It's just that I am not capable of seeing your hands, if you can't tell. Let's try that again right here." Becky gratefully accepted Freen's hand when she extended it. Becky wishes she could hug Freen, but she knows it won't happen anytime soon.

"It's nice to finally see you. Your father told me good things about you. Let me introduce myself formally. My name is Mon Kornkamon, and I will be your private nurse as long as you want me to be." Becky finishes her sentence almost out of breath. Freen literally took her breath away.

"Hi Mon, my name is Freen." "And I am Heng; Heng interrupts; I would love to chitchat, but my furry friends are waiting for me. It's nice to see you again, B.... beautiful Mon." Becky glares at Heng. He just ignore Becky. He still thinks of Becky as the adorable friend he ridiculed in high school. Heng was pleased to hear from his father that Becky would look after Freen as her personal nurse because he knows how close she and her sister are. Heng tickled Freen's side before saying, "I'll go ahead now. Have a pleasant day, sis".

As the door closed, Mike also said goodbye to the two of them and made himself scarce. Well, I guess it's just the two of us". Freen smiled. "You know your voice sounds familiar. I even remember her when we shake hands." "I am sorry, you might think I'm weird".

"Not at all. If I may ask, who is she? Unless he's a man and her voice sounds like a girl, that is totally fine". Becky quickly said, Freen laughs, and it sounds like music to Becky's ears. "She's a woman, don't worry. Her name is Becky."

Oh, what a lovely name. Is she as lovely as her name suggests? Becky asked.

Definitely! Freen answered. Well, I really don't know; I haven't seen her for five years now. Maybe she's even more beautiful now. Can we take a seat?

Of course, come here. Becky reached out to Freen's hand and guided her to sit down.

Mon, I might be abusing your kindness. Freen confessed.

How is that even possible? Becky enquired.

You see, I already know every room in this house by heart, every nook. When we're at home, you don't really need to lead me. Freen said it honestly.

Freen, I don't mind at all. I enjoy guiding you and helping you. Even though it is our first meeting. Becky instantly remarked that she didn't want Freen to be suspicious of her.

So what do you usually do at this time? Becky inquired.

Freen sighs and moves her body in Becky's direction. Mon, do you know how to drive? I've been wanting to go to the flower shop, but everyone is quite busy.

Sure, do you want to go now? Becky asked excitedly.

Really, you know how to drive? Do you have a license? Freen was surprised.

Of course I do! Why would I drive you if I don't have a license? Becky giggles. Come on. Do you have to change clothes? Becky was thankful she quickly applied for a license a month ago when they returned to Thailand.

No, I don't need to change. Do I look terrible? Freen questioned.

Becky senses the insecurity in Freen's voice. It breaks her heart. You look beautiful, Freen. Too beautiful, which makes my heart skip a beat. Becky said it dreamily.

What did you say, Mon? Freen had trouble hearing Becky.

Becky shakes her head. It's nothing. I said you looked good. Should we go now? I have my car parked in the front.

Sure, let's go, Mon. Freen started to walk, but Becky approached her side.

Freen, may I take your hand? Despite being surprised, Freen nodded and extended her hand to Becky.

Becky exclaimed in joy. Before they left the house, she shut the door. Becky led Freen to her car. She's so happy to have Freen by her side. She looked to her side once more before she started the engine. I won't leave your side from now on. Becky said it to herself more than to Freen. Little did Becky know, Freen heard it, and she couldn't help but smile.

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