"The Surprise"

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It is another day of emptiness, the never ending tunnel of darkness. Freen never thought she will miss to appreciate how the lights pass through her skin, the orange color that seems like burning. Every day since she is a child she never gives importance to the sun each morning, the heat burn that's why she prefer night. It is cold; it gives her comfort, a soothing feeling.

Freen always wears her shades to cover her sensitive eyes. She have a brown sparkling eyes, it is sensitive to light. Freen doesn't think the color of her eyes are different from others but her best friend Becky or should she say her long lost forgotten best friend told her that her eyes are special, out of this world as she says. Becky says that her strength are her eyes, it can pierced through souls but that was long ago almost five years; four years eleven months eleven days to be exact since Freen heard from her.

Freen finds it funny because she still wears her shades but not for the same reason. Freen's eyes aren't sensitive to light anymore actually it can never see light. Life has an unexplainable ways to show what is important. Freen lost her sight nine months ago due to car accident. A drunk driver lost his control over his car and drove right through her lane hitting Freen on the driver seat. The impact was so strong it made Freen's car spin and the man's car to overturn. It costs his life and for Freen her eyesight, as the broken pieces of glass goes to both of her eyes.

Freen was hospitalized for two months, it was a struggle, tears flowing every passing days. She thinks it's not only the eyesight that she lost but also her will to go on with her life. Freen's family supports her in any way that they can but it feels something is always missing, something isn't enough.

"Freen are you awake? Breakfast is ready" Heng called. Heng is Freen's big brother. Since the accident happened Heng is always there guiding Freen. He is a veterinarian. He loves animals since he was a child. Both Freen and he love dogs. They have a dog named Cristy and a newly adopted dog Bon who stands as a guide dog for Freen.

"I am wide awake Heng and it doesn't really matter because all I can see is darkness whether I'm asleep or not" Freen said it with sarcasm in her voice but Heng ignores it knowing what Freen is going through. It is tough not only for Freen but to the whole family adjusting to their new situation.

"Okay smart ass, why don't you get up now because mom and dad are joining us for breakfast" Heng smiles and walks to Freen's bed side picking her white cane.

"They're still here? Isn't mom supposed to be in the flower shop by now and what about you, what are you still doing here? Who will treat those poor animals?" Freen questions, curious as to why they're not on their work. Her mom Mary owns a flower shop. She wakes up early because most of her customers needs flower in the morning for their own establishment.

"You're annoying as hell my little stubborn sister" Heng rolls his eyes to his sister but keeps his smile on his face. "Is it wrong to spend breakfast with your whole family once in a while? To add to your irritating questions you might want to also ask why father is still here". Her father Mike is a doctor working in community hospital.

"Hahaha, nope I know for sure that dad will be here for breakfast. He told me he has a surprise" Freen answered with proud grin while nodding as a gesture thanking Heng for giving her white cane.

Heng can't keep rolling his eyes knowing Freen got ahead of him. "Whatever, move your big ass now and quickly join us". Heng exclaim jokingly.

"Wow thanks bro, may I remind you that your sister is blind and needs some consideration. I can still feel your presence by the way so might move before I accidentally hit you with my cane" Freen smiles because sometimes she purposely hit her brother for teasing her.

Heng huffs but still grinning. "I know that's intentional because you can't run after me ....." Heng suddenly stops realizing that his jokes maybe out of line and make Freen feels sorry for losing her eyesight. "Freen I am sorry I don't mean to..." Heng is out of words fearing that he'll only get things worst but Freen cut him off.

"It's okay Heng; I know you mean no harm. Let me just freshen up and I'll join you for breakfast". Freen smiles with a tight lip and proceeds to her bathroom. Spending nine months being blind makes Freen familiar with her home just by touching surface and knows where its path direct to. Heng just watches her go walking consciously. He stays for a while and went straight to his parents joining them.

After a couple minutes Freen finally reach the dining table. She walks slowly descending on stairs. Her parents want to change her room to the guest room on the corner side of the house so she doesn't have to use the stairs. They fear that one day she might trip and cause another accident which they honestly pray won't happen. Freen understands their concerns but she refuse to transfer wanting something in her life to be similar to her previous before she get blinded.

"Good morning everyone". Freen cheerfully greets.

"Good morning to you too mija. How is your sleep?". Mike asks knowing that her daughter has having troubles in sleeping lately. It isn't bad as before during the first month of her accident but he's still concern for the health of Freen after all he isn't just a doctor but a father.

"I'm good Pop don't worry too much about me" Freen jested.

"Honey I cook your favorite pancake. I also bought some bread because I know our pantry have been raid by someone". Mary looks to Heng pointedly and Heng can't help but laugh because Heng loves bread as much Freen loves it.

"Its fine mom I am used to it by now". Freen laughs ignoring the booing of Heng on her. "Anyway Pop you said you have a surprise? What is it?" Everyone turns their gaze to Mike well except for Freen who closes her eyes humming to herself getting excited for the said surprise.

"Alright" Mike clears his throat before proceeding. Since we aren't here most of the time to be with you...

"Or annoying you" Heng snickers but stops when Mike looks at him sternly. "Sorry Pop please continue".

"As I've said, since you don't have a company most of the time, your mother and I decided to hire a private nurse for you". Mike proclaims excitedly.


"But I don't want it dad" I am blind but not paralyzed". Freen tearfully said before getting up from her chair and walks toward her room.

Heng, Mary, and Mike are left dumbfounded. Mike wants to follow Freen but Mary stops him. "Let's give her space for now. We can talk to her later". Mary knows well that Freen needs time to be alone when she's upset. It will be an interesting discussion when Freen decides to talk but for now all they can do is wait.

So this is my first fan fiction. I hope it'll spark a little interest of yours. Please feel free to comment or suggest. I need some motivation and I gladly appreciate if it comes from you all. Have a nice day.

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