Day 3 pt.2 (A taste of Love)

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Freen and Becky arrived at the bistro. They sat near the window.

My question hasn't been answered, kid.

What exactly is it? Becky posed the question.

Have you asked her if she doesn't like you, or are you assuming? How does she feel about you? Freen questioned.

Why the sudden interest, Freen? She treats me with kindness, compassion, and thoughtfulness. I did not ask. I'm worried about what she'll say.

You should have. Asking first will reveal anything to you. Freen stopped speaking.

Freen, you seem disappointed. Can we please discuss something else?

Okay, how are you? Pops told me you were from England. Don't you miss being at home there? Freen is inquiring.

You probably already know this saying, but your home is where your heart is. I must have missed it. Thailand holds a special place in my heart. Freen is highly adored by Becky. She is unsure if Freen's inability to see her is a blessing in disguise.

You're correct, of course! Do you have a companion with you in Thailand? Freen continues.

Yes, I do have my brother and aunt. Becky provided a disheartened response.

Where are your parents? Freen questioned. Mon's voice is sorrowful, and it hurts Freen too.

They are no longer with us. They had gotten word from above to take off early. Becky made an effort to soften the tone.

Do you wish to discuss it? Mon, I'm here for you.

No, not now. I will tell you. I simply am not prepared yet. Becky apologized in her response.

I understand. Just keep in mind, Mon, that you are not alone.

I'm grateful, Freen. Thank you.

Did you, by the way, tell your special someone about your trip to Thailand? Do you think she has a right to know? Freen is doodling on her plate.

No, I didn't. I didn't even tell her I was going to England back then. She focuses her attention on her feet. She felt horrible about keeping Freen in the dark.

Hey, it's fine. Nobody is judging you, Mon. I know you have good reasons for your decisions.

Becky was fascinated. How did she get so lucky to meet someone with such a beautiful soul? Do you realize how amazing you are? Becky blurted it out.

I know, right? For emphasis, Freen flips her hair.

I'm retracting my statement. Becky and Freen both laugh.

Mon, I enjoy listening to your laughs.

Same here, Freen. Are you finished eating? Freen nods. Let me request the bill. Becky paid the bill, refusing to accept the card offered to her by Freen. She enjoys pampering Freen.

Will you quit pouting? You're too cute to sulk. Becky can't help but pinch Freen's cheek. Please come here. I notice an ice cream truck. Let me get you one. Becky bought vanilla popsicles for Freen and chocolate for herself.

Thank you. You should have let me pay. Freen continues to sulk.

Becky's eyes can't hide her feelings for Freen. You're really adorable. Everything you do is adorable.

Not cute enough to be your particular someone. Freen speaks more to herself than to Mon.

Becky did hear it, unbeknownst to Freen. She isn't sure whether she should be thrilled that Freen is taking notice of her or upset since Freen prefers Mon above her as Becky.

Becky's right hand is clutching her popsicle, and her left hand is grasping Freen's hand. We've arrived at the park. Let us take a seat under the tree. Becky needed to let go of Freen's hand, but she didn't.

Freen enjoys hearing the trees' leaves move. It provides her with comfort and peace. Her face is plastered with a lovely smile.

Freen, you're so beautiful. Becky quickly covered her mouth. She can't believe she said it again.

When Freen heard it, it made her grin. Mon, do you have a crush on me?

I mean, there's nothing wrong with having a crush on you, right? It's natural to admire beauty. Becky spoke boldly, but she is terrified on the inside.

But I'm sure you're more beautiful. You have velvety skin. Every time you touch me, I feel it. Oops. That came out wrong. Freen laughs.

Becky's face is flushed. It stirs something deep within her. She is not okay. The way Freen stated it made her consider something she shouldn't imagine in a park where kids can appear at any time.

Mon, what flavor did you buy?

It's chocolate, Freen. Do you want me to buy one for you?

It's perfectly fine. There's no need. Can I get a taste of yours? Will you allow me to lick it a few times? Becky was asked by Freen.

Becky had no choice but to guzzle. She could be dreaming, but she believes Freen has made her voice more husky. Is she actually doing it now, in the middle of the park? She can feel Freen's grip on her hand tightening.

Mon, will you allow me? Freen started to close the distance.

Becky is in a panic. Will Freen kiss her lips?

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