Day 6 pt. 2 ( Wishes )

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The sky is clear, the breeze is cool, and it is a serene environment. This contradicts how I am currently feeling. Why, you might ask? Freen! Freen, who was cautious and shy, asked me to apply sunscreen to her back. Her velvety skin was visible beneath her two-piece red bikini. Do you realize how stunning she looks in red? Don't even think about it! She's all mine! I'm going to make her mine! Becky's face is drenched with sweat, and she's not sure if her drool is contributing. She has to show restraint.

Mon, are you all right? Your hand is trembling. Becky's musings are interrupted by Freen.

I'm okay, Freen. Don't be concerned. I'm delighted you agreed to spend another day in this tiny paradise with me.

It didn't surprise me when you informed me when we were dining. I know you'd like to extend our vacation because I sense you have something on your mind that you'd like to tell me but don't know how. Freen replied.

Wow, Freen. I had no idea you were suddenly a psychic. Tell me what you think I'm thinking right now. Becky challenged her while sipping her juice.

Sure! You keep begging yourself to calm down and stop yourself from ripping my bikinis off my body. I know I look nice with it, but you can guarantee I'll look even better without it.

Becky choked on her juice. That's too honest of you, Freen. Becky keeps tapping her chest.

Hello there, Mon. Are you okay? Please accept my apologies. That was a joke. I know it's not what you're thinking, right? They are enveloped in silence. My... Mon, don't tell me... Oh, how naughty of you! Freen blurted out.

What? Can you blame me? Have you seen yourself? You must have seen yourself in a red bikini before. Becky defends herself.

Nobody will hinder you, Mon.

Becky shivered as she heard Freen's low voice. She can't help but cross her legs. Freen, come on. Let us go swimming. It's too hot. I can't handle it anymore.

Freen laughs. Mon, you can go on. I'll stay in the shade. You were the one who needed a splash of the sea.

Ooh.. Savage. I'm sure you'll need it tonight. Becky whispers into Freen's ear before diving into the waves.

Freen was left speechless yet ecstatic. She can't believe the two of them are becoming more expressive with their feelings as the days pass. They returned to their room when they had had enough of the sun. They are relieved that the room has not yet been booked by a new customer, because otherwise they will be unable to extend their vacation.

I really enjoy spending time with you. I wish we could be together like this forever. Becky wraps a back hug around Freen. She breathed in the scent of Freen, who had just finished showering.

Mon, I feel the same way. I wish I could pause time. I don't want to live without you. If we have to split up, I don't think I'll be able to restart my life.

Whatever happens, I'll always be there for you, Freen. Becky urged Freen to turn around and face her. She stroked her cheek. I wish I could demonstrate how hard my heart beats for you. Every time, you fill my thoughts. I'd like to show how you make me a better person.

If you can't show it to me, make me feel it.

Becky doesn't need to be told twice. She kissed Freen. It started out slowly. Becky probed Freen's mouth after a peck and lick to her lips. It allows Becky to have control over the kiss. Freen, let Becky express her true emotions, passion, and love. Becky gently led Freen to their bed. Becky paused as soon as Freen's back hit the bed. She notices Freen's flushed cheek as she stares at her. Becky can't help but lick her lips, but something prevents her from doing so. The truth!

Becky's hesitation causes Freen sorrow. We don't have to do it if you're not ready, Mon. Her voice is sad and hurtful.

No, Freen, you have misunderstood me. Of course, I wanted to do it. I've been wishing for this for a long time.

Freen moves to her side. She is no longer interested in speaking.

Please, Freen, listen to me. It's not you; it's me.

Stop Mon. You're worsening this issue.

"Okay, you have a point there, but it's not what you think." Another pointless comment. Becky, think! Becky told herself.

Mon, you have no idea what you want. You keep pulling me in, but when I get too close, you push me away. I'm confused. Do you genuinely like me?

I'm very sorry, Freen. I do not like you.


Mon, it hurts, but I accept it. Thank you for being open and honest with me. I hope... Becky cut Freen off before she could continue her sentence.

Freen, I love you. I'm madly in love with you!Freen was taken aback, but not as much as when she heard Becky's next words.

I've had feelings for you since we were kids. It's me, Freen. It's Becky. Mon and I are the same person!

Freen's wishes were granted, but is this how she would like her wishes to be granted?


Hello, how are you doing? I hope you are all doing well. Let us be respectful to one another. Spread love rather than hatred. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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