Day 2 ( Deja vu )

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Becky's point of view

Because it's too early to work, I'm sitting here sipping coffee and daydreaming. What occurred yesterday still baffles me. When did we begin to flirt? Freen and I were best friends in high school. Most of the time, I flirted with her, but she never reciprocated. And now here I am, completely confused. Will she be interested once she learns who I am? I was already deeply attracted to her when I first saw her, and I knew that no matter what occurred, I would continue to fall in love with her.

You're now saying it aloud. How did you find it? Did it help you feel less anxious? I was aware of it. Before we went to England, I was certain that you had developed feelings for Freen. My intuition told me so!

Becky gasped as she stared at her brother. Did she actually say it aloud?

I see you, Aunty Mhee! You must set up a bubble bath for me every day for the entire week, which makes me extremely unhappy. Richie leaps for pleasure.

Autie Mhee seems dissatisfied. She approached Becky while holding her waist in her hands. Could you keep it to yourself for even another week, my dear Becky? She asks tenderly.

What the heck is up with you two? You made a wager on me, right? It would be an understatement for Becky to say she was surprised.

Oh, sissy, don't be so harsh. We are both aware of your affection for Freen. Just wait until you confess; it won't take long. Becky receives a pat from Richie.

Becky left the two and got ready to go to Freen's residence. Becky is dressed in a mini-denim skirt, a white background top, and black sunglasses. Becky is a registered nurse practitioner. She doesn't have Freen's medical history. In order to better care for her darling, she will make sure to obtain it. She feels elated just thinking about the love of her life.

Becky parked her distinctive pink Gamma-Ray-burst Porsche 911 Carrera S Cabriolet. If Freen could see the color of her car, she wonders what she would say.

When the door opened and Becky was greeted by the person she had been thinking about the entire night, she was just about to ring the bell for the second time. Becky arched an eyebrow. Even if I am happy to see you, shouldn't you be cautious when opening doors when you don't know who will be on the other side?

Greetings to you as well, Mon. She was greeted by a raised eyebrow from Freen as well. I insisted on opening the door because Heng said it was you, but I guess you didn't think much of it, so good-bye. The moment Freen was ready to close the door, Becky stepped in to stop it.

It's dejavu.

Do not get angry with me, baby. For several hours, I have been following Freen. It's my fault; I'm fully responsible. Despite my best efforts, I was unable to meet Freen where we had planned. For our demonstration soccer match, this bumbling Nat suggested we meet with our coach. I pushed my foot inside just as Freen was going to close the door. I apologize, Freen, baby. I have no intention of bailing on you.

Simply stop calling me "babe," Becky, and leave me alone. Not even a text letting me know you couldn't make it was sent. Despite wanting to shout at Becky inwardly, Freen spoke softly.

I've got a dead phone. I have no way of contacting you. Baby, please. With a frown on her face, Becky approaches Freen from behind.

Heng chuckles, "Woof woof." Becky gives him a sneer. Will you two stop talking? I am watching a game. Straightaway, Freen went to her room. Even though Becky desperately wants to follow, she is aware that when Freen is angry, the room is out of bounds.

(Flashback concludes)

Babe.... Freen halted as a result. Just what did you call me, Mon?

I didn't mean to blurt it out. Me and my shameless mouth, Becky berated herself. I wonder if I said something. Becky was displaying symptoms of temporary amnesia.

I am aware of what I heard. Freen repeats.

That's a nice thing. I'll include that in the data as I'm a nurse practitioner. I'll also need your medical documents, by the way. Who is your doctor? Becky is attempting to steer the conversation elsewhere. Is it possible for me to enter? As she went by Freen, Becky waved to Heng. Hello, Mr. Sarocha, and... Becky draws Mary's brow. Hello, Aunt Mary. Becky flashed a stunning smile. Anyone's heart can be warmed by her grin.

Becky is approached by Heng, who whispers. You can laugh all you want, but you'll eventually get caught, like... Becky's kick to Heng's shin prevented him from finishing his sentence. Heng screamed.

Heng, what happened to you? Freen was worried.

His toe struck the wall. Becky answered.

Freen's elbows were folded. Mon, we're not done yet.

It truly is deja vu. Becky slumps her shoulder.


Hello, folks. Have you ever experienced unrequited love? Even if you were the only one in love, would you still try to save the relationship?

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