Day 1 pt. 2 "Eyes On Me"

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Becky and Freen stayed in the shop for a couple of hours before they went home. It's just the two of them. Nobody has yet arrived home from work. They are seated on the black sofa with pillows on it. Becky prepared a snack for the two of them. She's happy to know that she can still find everything in Sarocha's kitchen, just like it used to be. For you, I made a jam-filled sandwich. Jasmine tea was also prepared. Freen received it from Becky.

Thank you, Mon. You really are a sweet girl. Freen praised Mon. Becky raised her eyebrows. She's thinking Freen will start flirting with her again.

Don't worry, I won't tease you again, Freen giggles. What suddenly struck me earlier is a mystery.

Okay, I see. Becky sadly responded.

You come across as disappointed, Mon. Join me in my seat. After opening her arms, Freen touched the seat next to her. When Becky noticed Freen grinning and suppressing her amusement, she was almost ready to sit next to him.

True brat that you are. You promised to quit taunting me. Becky sulks.

I apologize, Mon. It's not that I'm a bully or anything; it's just that I enjoy teasing you because of how cute your reactions are.

Becky was about to ask how Freen could love her reactions without seeing her, but Freen beat her to it. Hold your thoughts. In front, Freen extended her hand. Despite the fact that I am unable to see your face, I can picture how you could appear.

I can't argue because I do appear cute. The wind's whip seemed to have changed.

Becky approaches Freen but makes sure their skin doesn't come into contact. You look good in your boldness. Do you really want to take part in this game?

Freen can't help but gulp. Are you mad, Mon?

Why would I be mad? You find my reactions cute. I think I like it. Two can play this game. Becky whispers to Freen.

Freen can feel hot breath coming from Becky. It sounds clingy, but she wants to feel Mon's touch. Mon, are you okay?

My life has never been better. I ought to be the one to ask you. Your skin has goosebumps, which I can see. What about you? Do you still have an image of me?

Freen was left speechless. She dropped some tea across her shirt, which only made matters worse. Oh no, my little baby is messing everything up. As she takes the cup away, Becky teases Freen.

Freen is the one in the hot seat right now, and she's starting to lose her composure. Just let me get to the kitchen. The fact that Freen didn't stutter caused her to jump inside. She thinks to herself that Mon's actions are causing her to lose her cool.

Please take me along. Becky gets up as well.

Oh no, I'm good. I can handle this. Freen disregarded Becky's assistance.

Freen, I insisted. Avoid being stubborn. Becky retorts back.

Freen's heart skips a beat as she hears Mon's firm voice. Ooh, Bossy Mon, I love it! Freen counter back. Freen clapped her hands. She will not yield. She'll give it to Mon if that's what she wants.

The two approach the kitchen. In order to get the stain off of Freen's shirt, Becky searches for wipes. Would it be better if I changed into something else? Freen inquired kindly.

Sure, do you want me to accompany you to your room? Becky says it casually as she searches for the wipes. I found the wipes! Becky exclaims with joy.

I'd really like to change my clothing, but I'll need your assistance. Freen is still acting unconcerned.

Becky's mouth is agape. Scenarios are going through her head. Seeing Freen half naked and touching her smooth skin, her throat starts getting dry. The thirst is real, she thought to herself. It's getting late now, and I think it would be best if we waited for Auntie.

Oh, okay, don't you want to stay the night? Freen rested her back on the counter. She lowered her head. I mean, as you said, it's getting late. It's safe if you go tomorrow morning.

That won't do it, Freen; I'll be back before you know it. Becky lifted Freen's chin. She can sense Freen is sulking. I can stay for dinner if you like. That puts a smile on Freen's face. Becky knows Freen can't see, but it feels like Freen is looking right through her soul.

Dinner is quickly over. As usual, Aunt Mary prepares a lovely supper. Becky is completely stuffed. Freen and her are at the door just after eight o'clock in the evening.

I'll see you tomorrow, Freen. Becky attempted to stop herself, but her hands had other ideas. She catch herself stroking Freen's elbow all the way to her hand.

Please drive safely, Mon. Are you certain you don't want to stay the night? Freen's voice carries worry. Becky doesn't want to leave, but she knows she won't be able to restrain herself around Freen, especially at night. Freen will be consumed if she allows it; it's not that she's a vampire, though.

Becky wants to lighten up the mood. Take me to dinner first. That puts a smile on Freen's face.

Becky was gently tugged by Freen as she motioned for her to get closer. Freen gently muttered. Believe me, Mon, when I say this: I want your eyes on me. Freen kissed Becky's cheek. Good night, Mon. Then she turned around. Becky was left astounded. It will be a long night.

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