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it's happening again
i can feel it
it's only august
almost september
i can already feel it
i don't know how to stop it
i'm supposed to be medicated and i'm not
i'm supposed to see the doctor so i don't have to deal with this
and it's not even september
and i'm already starting to feel it again
the pressure
the stress
the loneliness
the fear
the dread
it's happening again
i was doing better
i'm still depressed
just less i guess
but it's happening again
it's gonna get really dark again
and everyone will notice
i'm already so tired
so unmotivated
and it's august
we've been in school for a month next week
and i'm already burnt out
my thesis is killing me
because they refuse to let me do any topic i could possibly come up with
i already feel not good enough
i'm so afraid of failing that i don't even want to try
failing seems inevitable
i'm so scared for the stress
i don't know what to do

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