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"What are we going to do?" Hoseok dabbed a wet towel to Yoongi's brow. He had picked Yoongi up off the floor and settled him on the couch. Namjoon frowned, standing over Jackson with a pistol in his left hand and his cell phone in his right. Whatever Jackson's intention had been, he had failed. But it hadn't made much sense to the gang why he would've come up to the hotel all by himself. What had been the point? Had he really expected Jin to simply let him in and perhaps he would've had an opportunity to kill anyone in the hotel suite? Or had there been a different motive?

"What about a trade?" Yoongi's voice was guttural and his eyes dark.

Namjoon sneered, "A trade for what?" He kicked at Jackson who sat cross legged on the floor, "Trade a crime boss for a traitor? What a good trade."

Jin watched Namjoon from the other side of the lounge room. His hands were shaking and his eyes kept flickering back to Jackson. The other man sat perfectly still, easy smile on his lips all while staring at Jin. Jin had always taken comfort in Jackson's smile but there was something off about it now. Something fake. Something obsessive.

Jin shivered and looked away.

Hoseok stopped dabbing the blood from Yoongi's face, "It's Jungkook. He wouldn't have sold us out. Not without a good reason."

Jackson laughed at that, eyes still not leaving Jin, "He had a good reason. I made it worth his while."

Hoseok stood from the couch, bloody rag clutched in his hands so hard his knuckles had gone white, "What the fuck does that mean? You keep talking in all these fucking riddles. Say something concrete."

"Why trade you if we can just put a bullet in your head, hm?" Namjoon scared Jin sometimes. He was so calm. So focused. The gang leader put the barrel of his pistol against Jackson's head, "Why not end this game? By killing you I whittle down the leaders in your gang. I already killed Ilhoon. By killing you, I'm just left with Yongguk." Namjoon crouched until he was at eye level with Jackson, their faces so close their lips almost touched. For the first time, Jackson gave Namjoon all of his attention, his brown eyes locked onto Namjoon's, "And let's be honest. He's not nearly as clever as you are, is he Jackson?"

Jin's stomach lurched as Jackson's smile finally vanished. This interaction was almost intimate. It felt as though he shouldn't be there. As though he shouldn't be looking at two bloodied men on the floor, one with a pistol pressed against the other's head in such a heated moment. Jin glanced at Yoongi and Hoseok. Hoseok had taken several steps back, as if he was physically repulsed by what he saw. As if he couldn't stand the sight of Jackson being so close to any of his gang members. Yoongi sat statue still on the couch. Flingers curled around his own pistol that he let rest casually at his side but Jin knew there was nothing causal about it.

"If you kill me," Jackson leaned in even farther, eyes flicking to Namjoon's lips, "You lose your one bargaining chip." He smiled then, wide and sincere before leaning back and letting his gaze settle once more onto Jin.

Namjoon hummed and stood, finally stepping back and taking his gun away from Jackson's temple.

"Then by all means, let's talk business." Namjoon finally sat, taking a seat right next to Yoongi. He crossed his legs and looked down his nose at Jackson who sat unmoving in the middle of the lounge room, a smug smile decorating his features, "Tell me what you'll do to not let my friend here test some new drugs on you? Or maybe he could even slice that pretty face of yours up really nicely." Namjoon leaned forward, his elbows on his knees, "Have you ever watched that Batman movie with Joker? You smile just like he does. Maybe my friend here can carve that smile into you permanently. It seems like you might like that."

Yoongi finally smiled at that, blood slowly creeping out of his split lip and into his teeth.

"You would still be alive," Namjoon went on, "I would still have my bargaining chip and you would have a pretty smile and some new life experiences to carry back to Yongguk."

"What beautiful poetic justice for our mutual friend, Hoseok." Yoongi growled, barring his teeth more than smiling now, the red tinging them enough to make Jin finally tear his eyes away or be sick, "To torture his own torturer? Call me a romantic but I love the sound of that."

Hoseok's chest heaved and he left the room, walking quietly into the back bedroom and shutting the door after him. Jin looked on after him, jumping at the sound of the door clicking into place. Something about it was so final.

Perhaps it was final – their whole world was in an upheaval right now.

Before Jin could even attempt to walk after him, a loud knock sounded on the hotel room door. At this, Jackson gave a loud laugh, throwing his head back.

"I think you should get that, RM," he laughed even more, wiping at the blood on his face, "I think that is your little friend, Jungkook."


Note from author: 

oh my god guys I really can't believe you guys still want the ending to this crazy ass story! I miss writing it ngl.... 

First off: Thank you to all the people who still vote on it, talk about it, and more over still message me with encouragement to continue the story! I am literally the worst person in the world for not finishing this because I started it literally like 5 years ago. I literally cannot. 

Second: I really apologize for not finishing it. My life has been in tatters and I have been struggling worse than I could have ever thought I would struggle. My life in lowkey falling apart and I am just sitting back and watching. So for that I do apologize. This story is so close to being finished and I will do my best to finish it soon, but I can't promise anything (though I wish I could). 

Third and final: Thank you to everyone again! You guys are crazy loyal and I can't thank you enough. Please enjoy this hella short chapter and know that I am working in the next chapter literally this minute! 

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