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The wind was cold – shockingly so. Jin had thought it would have been warmed as the sun beat down on his back but as he clung onto the man in front of him all he could feel was cold. The weather was turning and a storm seemed to be moving in. Yoongi wasn't going slowly, either. The man had set his jaw and helped Jin onto his motorcycle before just simply taking off. By the time the two of them made it out onto the open road, Taehyung was already there, dressed in all black and leather, giving a friendly wave before jumping on his own motorcycle and zooming ahead of Yoongi and Jin.

Jin gulped down his fears. He had never been on a motorcycle before and he wasn't exactly comfortable, either. But all he could do was hang tightly onto the gang member in front of him and pray that nothing went wrong. So far, everything was going well. They were out on the main road, slowly smaller cars and farmer's trucks were beginning to surround them. These vehicles were either a few hundred yards ahead or a few hundred behind and so Jin didn't feel crowded.

A city soon came into view. Jin couldn't say form the skyline he was able to tell where the city was or which city it might be. He knew it wasn't Seoul and for a moment something in his heart ached for him to be back home. To be back home, sipping his too hot tea and staring out of that same window he had wasted countless hours of his life staring out. It seemed like a distant memory now – so far away and small in the back of his mind. He hoped Jiho was alright, and that his parents were, too. He knew they might be looking for him as he hadn't contacted any of them for quite some time.

Yoongi shifted lanes, leaning his weight dramatically to the left. It caught Jin off guard and he clutched to the man even tighter, a cry slipping from his mouth in surprise as Yoongi steadied them and set their speed a bit faster. Taehyung was farther up ahead, barely in sight and swerving in between cars and trucks. Jin smiled at the younger. He seemed to be having some fun in all of this even if it was a rather serious situation. And Jin was glad about that. It was nice to know there were still some things the gangsters could do to relax and let a bit of the stress out.

The city came closer now. Taehyung slowed down to allow Yoongi to catch back up. They were no longer surrounded by just farm trucks now but instead more modern, expensive vehicles. Jin hoped they would be stopping soon. He wasn't sure how long he had ben riding but he was fairly certain in was closer to two hours. It was beginning to hurt him to stay in such a rigid position behind Yoongi and he couldn't seem to let himself ease up or relax his body posture any.

After an eternity of being stuck in one position they were in the city, weaving in and out of traffic, Yoongi following more closely behind Taehyung at this point. Everything seemed to be going smoothly until there was a screeching of tires behind Jin. He turned his head, vision somewhat blocked by the clumsy, bulky helmet he was wearing but out of the corner of his eye he could just make out a car following them.

"Yoongi!" he tried to yell over the wind and through his helmet but he was certain his call fell upon deaf ears. Jin turned back around in his seat. He was most certain someone was following them at this point, trying to swerve into the same lane they were in. Jin wasn't sure where the car had even come from. All he could see was that it was some kind of low to the ground silver car. He clutched onto Yoongi tighter and started to tap on the man's shoulder. It seemed to do nothing but irk Yoongi. The younger man reached back to smack Jin's hand away from his shoulder blade and continued on.

"How the hell are you even alive, you dumbass?!" Jin knew Yoongi couldn't hear him but he was beginning to get frustrated. He could tell they were being followed and Yoongi was completely oblivious to anything but Taehyung in front of them, "You're supposed to be this great gangster and you can't even tell if someone is trying to kill us!"

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