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Namjoon brought Jin back to a guest room. It was quaint – much like the room Jin had stayed in with the gangsters before. It was a minimal, almost rustic design focusing more on the lighter cream colors mixed with the darker, reddish cedar of the chest of drawers and flooring. Jin's eyes were drawn to the curtains. There were two large windows in the room but Jin absolutely loved the thin, seemingly delicate fabric of the curtains. They were a dainty white, almost see through and flowing in the wind. The windows were propped open, Namjoon had made certain of that before bringing Jin to this room. He knew how much the man had liked staring out of his window when he had been with them last time, he wanted to make sure Jin could enjoy another view this time.

Instead of forests surrounding them this time there were only fields. They had moved their hideout to be in a more secluded area – the farm land. The farmers were a hefty group, hardworking and very, very kind and welcoming. Namjoon had seen that as a problem but after several of them had become somewhat friends with Taehyung he hadn't worried as much. He knew the farmers in the community were a tightknit bunch and the fact that Taehyung had easily been able to become one of the group left them in a safer place. The farmers would be far more likely to cover for any of the members given that they knew Taehyung and wouldn't want him to get in any trouble.

Jin slumped down onto the bed, letting his hands run over the fabric of the quilt, his fingers finding a few loose strands of string and pulling on them slightly. Namjoon watched him silently, not willing to speak until Jin himself did. He needed to know just how upset the man was.

After around two minutes of silence and Namjoon's constant staring, Jin finally lifted his head from the quilt to meet Namjoon's eyes, "What?"

Namjoon wanted to smile and comment on the fact that at least Jin had learned his rule of eye contact but he kept it down. He knew that might set the older man off, "I thought maybe we could spend some time together?" He was still standing stock still in the middle of the room, weight resting on one leg only with his arms crossed over his chest.

Jin hesitated, "Doing what?"

Namjoon took a few steps forward, leaning down to now play with Jin's shirt collar, "What would you like to do?"

It was an offer. A quite, unspoken offer for something sexual and exciting. Jin wanted nothing more than to give in, but honestly, he was definitely not in the mood. What Hoseok had said had most certainly put him off and he felt like doing nothing more than curling up for the night and crying himself to sleep at the thought that he might be, as Yoongi said, a mental basket case.

"I'm actually pretty tired..."Jin let his shoulders slump and head fall downwards towards his chest.

Namjoon seemed to sense his discomfort and frowned, "Are you upset about what happened earlier?" his hand fell to his side. He knew Jin had to be. Of course he hadn't known Jin long but what he did know was the man was shit at hiding his emotions.

Jin was trying to keep a straight face because now he felt even more like crying. He couldn't even suck it up for an hour or so and give himself and Namjoon some shared pleasure. And so he looked away and shrugged, rubbing his arms a little dejectedly.

A sharp intake of breath was the only warning Jin was given before his jaw was caught in a tight hold and his face was forced to angle up. Namjoon was right in front of him, their foreheads almost touching. Jin whined in his hold. He could feel his eyes fogging over with the threat of tears but for once it wasn't from the pain of Namjoon's actions.

"Answer me and look me in the eyes," Namjoon growled deep in the back of his throat. Jin had been expecting some kind of reprimand besides what Namjoon had already done – a reminder of how he had done wrong or a question to know why he couldn't seem to understand this rule. But Namjoon's eyes were soft as he looked into Jin's despite the roughness of his voice and actions. Namjoon let go and gave Jin some breathing room, "Now, why are you so upset?"

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