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Hoseok flinched as he listened to the muffled screaming of a man he had come to love. It hurt his heart and he wanted nothing other than to reach into the monitor and strangle the man torturing his Jin. But he could do nothing. He didn't know where they were or even what they wanted. He knew the man, though. Ilhoon. He knew that name and that face and that voice and it made him even angrier. One of his abusers and rapists was just taking Jin and making him suffer because he knew it would affect Hoseok.

Taehyung whimpered as blood poured out of a cut made on Jin's shoulder. He didn't especially like blood – perhaps that was why he was on the sneakier side of things and drugging or kidnapping people to get information – and he liked it even less when it was pouring from Jin's body. The man was trembling, tears cascading down his face as he shook. Taehyung could tell he was positively begging with his eyes for any kind of relief.

"Why are they doing this?" Taehyung whispered. His hands were fisted into the folds of Jungkook's shirt and he hid his face in the younger man's chest whenever Jin screamed.

"They want me." Namjoon sounded calm but they could all tell he was absolutely furious. Namjoon usually held some kind of emotion in his voice but in this case his voice was deep and monotone. His face was blank

Namjoon had called all of them in when the second video had come in. It was left at a drop point and one of his men had picked it up before delivering it to the core group. Namjoon had sent him on his way and gathered the rest of his group to come and watch the video. None of them knew what to expect but none of them had ever imaged it would be something like this.

Namjoon would never admit it or show it on his face but his heart felt like it had been ripped out of his chest when Jin had been ordered to beg for him and all he could do was croak out a quiet please and Namjoon's name. It hurt even more that he could do nothing but watch as this man, this damned man who had it out for him from another gang, tortured his sweet, innocent Seokjin. Because Jin was his as he was all of the core group of Bangtan's. He belonged to Namjoon and the five others and Namjoon had already decided this man Ilhoon would meet death rather soon now. Preferably he would be able to drag it out until Ilhoon was screaming twice as loudly as Jin and until Namjoon was sated with how much of this man's blood he could have dripping from his fingers. Although his simple death would be well enough. Kim Namjoon was never one to draw things out longer than need be and if a quick, simple death would do the trick then that would be punishment enough for Namjoon. He wouldn't waste his time and efforts and give another gang a hand because he was hell bent on retaliation.

Yoongi essentially growled in the back of his throat when he saw Ilhoon yanking Jin's jaw down and spitting into his mouth, forcing the man to swallow the disgusting substance or choke to death. Jin whimpered and squirmed, fighting to get away but he was held down by his bonds and Ilhoon. Yoongi hated the way Ilhoon's voice came over clear and strong through the recording, "Should I untie you and let our crawl on the ground for me, Jin? Should I bring you down and treat you like the filthy mutt of a bitch you are?"

And that's exactly what Ilhoon did. As soon as Jin was untied the man tried to run but was quickly brought to the floor and kicked in his stomach. Jungkook flinched at that. He had been kicked in the same place years ago and while he had built up a resistance to it over the years, the first time he had been kicked there he had thrown up from the force of the blow. He was glad Jin didn't seem to have that problem though the older man crawled weakly away from Ilhoon.

It broke all of the men to see Jin uselessly attempt to crawl away from Ilhoon on shaky hands and knees only to have the gang member grab Jin by his ankle. Jin cried out and whimpered as he was dragged across the concrete floor over to Ilhoon. The gangster climbed on top of Jin, rolling him over onto his stomach and fisting a cruel hand into Jin's dirty locks. Jin whimpered lowly, doing his best to curl up in the position he was it, desperate to protect his head and belly.

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