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50K celebration! You all didn't want to wait so... smut anyone?


Jin didn't realize what exactly he was doing. All he knew was that he felt hurt and broken and he desperately needed someone to come along and pick up the pieces. It was no surprise he was being fueled by his thirst for approval. First he had lost his boys for half a year and then he had been kidnapped. He needed something. He needed intimacy – something to make him feel wanted and whole.

Jin's clothes had already been yanked off, however not in a hurry. Hoseok didn't seem to be in a huge rush, either, taking it as slowly as he deemed fit. They were both laying on Hoseok's bed, clothes long gone and thrown haphazardly around the room as the two hadn't paid too much attention to being neat or tidy.

Hoseok took a rosy bud in his mouth, tugging it with his teeth ever so slightly until he go the desired hiss he was aiming for. He let his tongue swirl around it afterwards, releasing it from his teeth. Jin was halfway underneath him, however not fully. Hoseok was trying to give him plenty of room, not wanting to crowd him after his experience with Ilhoon and Yongguk. He knew himself that being totally dominated after such a scarring event could damage someone even more. But Jin was open to this. He seemed peaceful enough as though he was truly enjoying himself and so Hoseok continued.

Hoseok pulled back to stare at the beauty before him. But he felt guilty. He didn't have much experience in this specific thing, "Jin, I..." he sighed, "I-I don't really know how this is supposed to work...I'm not a dom..."

The lighting in the room was soft and Jin looked so temping below him as he propped himself up on one arm. He had been dreaming of this moment but he was now stumped.

Jin seemed to hesitate for a moment, "Do you want me on top?"

Hoseok shook his head, "It's... it's nothing against you but I can't. I just can't be in that same position again." he had spent too much time like that. He wanted Jin but on his own terms at his own pace. Despite trusting Jin he could never fully trust anyone like that ever again... not as though he ever could before.

Jin smiled softly, taking Hoseok's face in his hands and slowly rubbing his cheeks with his thumbs. He liked the feeling of Hoseok's skin. His cheeks were warm as though they were constantly blushing – his entire frame was flushed with excitement, a cute pink tint on his otherwise pale self. And his skin was so smooth and so pretty, "It's ok, we don't have to do anything. We can just kiss and be together." Jin would be lying if he said he wasn't just a little bit disappointed. He needed some kind of intimacy to let him know he was worth something.

"No..." Jin's hopes rose the slightest bit as Hoseok's eyes wandered Jin's face, "I want to try... with you. Please?"

Hoseok loved this. He loved being on top and watching someone under him writhe for once. He loved the power he had by simply jerking his hips and listening to Jin whine. He was in total control as Jin had given him full permission for anything. And Hoseok finally understood what this feeling was that he couldn't for so long. He had never topped before and while he had prepped himself many times he had never prepped anyone else before. But he was experiencing all of this with Jin. And he absolutely loved it.

Hoseok had never felt such a tight heat. He had never felt the squeeze of someone's walls around his own leaking cock before. He had never experienced how wet and erotic it was to be a top and to have total dominion over whoever was on bottom to do however he pleased. It was a powerful and addictive feeling. Hoseok snapped his hips up sharply to get a reaction from Jin. The older had gone mostly quiet, head angled back against the pillows and his mouth open in a silent cry of pleasure. Jin gasped at the feeling and moaned afterwards when Hoseok repeated it.

Hoseok thrusted in and out at a fast pace making Jin whine when all he did was speed up.

"Such a good boy, Jin. You're so good, baby..." Hoseok tried to keep in mind to compliment Jin as they went along. He wanted Jin to feel as good and as loved as he did.

Jin only replied with a small, blissed out smile before it was wiped off his face with one particularly harsh thrust into his prostate.

"Hobi... Hobi, Hobi, Hobi~" Jin was panting, his stomach tightening and the feeling of needed to release becoming stronger and stronger.

"Are you ok?" Hoseok slowed his pace, afraid he was hurting the man but Jin only pulled his hips back up so the younger would thrust into him.

"Please, please no! Don't slow don't, please... please go faster. Hobi please – need you please~" Jin's nails were leaving angry red streaks against Hoseok's pale skin but the man absolutely loved it. It was a good type of pain, one that wasn't too hurtful but just stimulating enough to make him want to go faster.

Now confident that he wasn't hurting Jin, Hoseok did just that. His own stomach was coiling with heat as he chased his orgasm.

"Shit – right there – please!" Jin's voice was high pitched but Hoseok wasn't worried about it. Almost all of the rooms in the house were soundproof so the older man could get as loud as he pleased. It wasn't long before Jin was arching his back and crying deep in his throat as his need to release became even worse. Hoseok noticed and reached a hand down to begin pumping the man in time with his thrusts, enjoying the way Jin threw his head back and moaned loudly at his actions.

Hoseok was the first to release, pulling out of Jin before he did and painting the older man's stomach with stripes of white. He was still pumping Jin and delighted in the keening noise the man made before he, too, came all across his own stomach and Hoseok's hand. Jin immediately slumped back into the covers, now completely exhausted. He wasn't sure where he even found the energy to have sex with Hoseok but he felt warm now and more whole than he had when he had first arrived. He was clean, warm and had a full belly for the first time in two weeks. And more over Jin supposed he felt loved. He knew Hoseok was doing his best to overcome his own fears and make Jin feel good as well as himself. It was with that thought that Jin allowed himself to be tucked in next to Hoseok, not worried about the mess they had just made. He heard Hoseok bustle about before the mattress beside him dipped but at that time Jin had already fallen asleep.

Hoseok let his eyes drift over the man next to him. What had he just done? He shouldn't have had sex with Jin when he was feeling like he was. He had made a terrible mistake. He cleaned the older man gently, trying not to disturb his slumber. He took in the bruises that Ilhoon and Yongguk had caused as well as the ones he had in their intimacy for the night. The gangster frowned. In his mind the love bruises he had sucked into Jin's skin were just as ugly as the harmful ones Ilhoon had given him. Jin had been weak and needy and Hoseok had basically exploited that fact for his own pleasure. Hoseok felt his stomach turn with guilt.

He was becoming just like the people he hated. Of course, he was a gang member. He did illegal things. Hoseok knew he wasn't leading a clean life. But he never, ever did anything as disgusting as his former captors. Now, Hoseok wasn't so sure. He was used almost his entire life. Had he just used Jin?

It was with that uncomfortable thought in mind that Hoseok allowed himself to finally lay next to Jin. The man looked peaceful, blissed out and beautiful. He was perfection and Hoseok was tainting him.

What had he done?


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I feel like, again, my smut is actually lacking. I'm sorry it's not better. I feel like the Jinkook smut scene was way better and I'm sorry if I disappointed.

I will soon have more time on my hands to write so I hope the chapters get better

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