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The smell of sweat and citrusy cologne filled the air as Jin arched his back off the bed and grit his teeth. He was in ecstasy, writhing and squirming under the man hovering above him. Warm lips came to trail a wet path down his throat. He gasped, shuddering in pleasure as open mouth kisses were left against his chest, going lower towards his stomach, his navel and then –

Jin gasped again, unable to catch his breath. It felt so damn good. He needed some kind of release...

"Jin," the voice was rough in his ears, almost raspy in tone as Jin was teased and played with, "You're so beautiful, baby."

Jin screwed his eyes shut, breathing erratic and his chest rising and falling rapidly. His heart was in his throat and he tried to swallow down his moans that were rising up.

"Jimin..." he croaked out in reply, "Harder..."

A harsh slap delivered to his thigh and a few tsks from the gangster's mouth was all he needed to correct himself, "Now, now, Jin. Be a good boy. If you want something you have to ask who?"

"M-master... please..."

"Jin," a tap was placed on his shoulder. There was no reason to tap his shoulder.

Jin's brow furrowed. The pleasure was receding. He didn't want it to. He needed it. He needed Jimin. He needed the man to come back and finish what he started but the more he wanted it, the more Jimin began to fade, too.

"Jin!" Jiho's voice was in Jin's ear, yelling at him to get up, "You lazy ass, you're going to be late for your get-together with your friend! You have to drop me off at work on your way there, remember?"

Jin jerked himself awake and upright. He was back in his apartment with Jiho. He looked around wildly for some indicator that Jimin might have been there. There was nothing. There was no trace or sign that Jimin had even once been there and Jin was more or less sure Jimin didn't even know where he lived. His heart sunk. The dream had been so real... he could feel Jimin's hands on him and his warmth. He could smell his cologne and feel his calloused fingers rubbing up and down his thighs to excite him.

"Sorry..." he mumbled.

He looked down at his lap, his cheeks flaming as he realized he was, indeed, excited. Too excited. He tried to cover up using the quilt on his bed, waiting for Jiho to leave. Just as the man had rounded the corner of the bedroom door and into the hallway, he turned back his brows furrowed as he looked at Jin.

"Are you ok, Jin? You were making some pretty weird noises when I was trying to wake you up. I thought I heard you mutter something really weird."

Jin tried not to gape at the question, his cheeks heating up infinitely more until a light pinkish hue decorated most of his face. He prayed Jiho didn't notice, "L-l-like what?" he tilted his head, trying to look innocent.

Jiho only shook his head, still glancing at Jin suspiciously, "Like master or something really freaking strange like that. I don't know, you were mumbling and it was weird." He shrugged, "You were probably just speaking gibberish and I heard you wrong,"

Jin let out an awkward laugh while trying to play off what Jiho had said. Inside he was ready to pass out from embarrassment. Jesus – he couldn't believe his best friend had heard him calling Jimin master in his dreams. Jin still waved Jiho away, waiting for the man to pull his door completely closed so he could bolt up from his bed and immediately lock it so the other couldn't get back in. He needed to change and take care of his problem.

Bad Boy (Jin x BTS)Where stories live. Discover now