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A strong arm wrapped around Jin's throat and a hand clamped over his mouth immediately. Jin's initial instinct was to struggle. He accidently released his phone and heard it tumble to the ground with a sickening clack of the plastic cover. So much for calling Jiho. He kicked and screamed from under the hand but there was something so hauntingly familiar that he couldn't force himself to lash out with all his might. He was correct his assumption when a deep voice tricked into his ear, whispering words softer than a feather.

"Stop, it's me,"


Jin stopped, obeying and waiting for Jungkook to slowly and carefully unwrap himself from Jin's frame. The younger man was beyond surprised when he was hugged tightly after pulling away, Jin wrapping his arms around the other and clutching to him. There was a warmth there, a warmth that hadn't been there before and Jungkook almost felt as if they had known each other for years – two old friends reuniting and catching up. But that, of course, wasn't true. Jin shouldn't have been having the reaction he was having.

Jin reached a hand out, flicking the light switch on to see Jungkook better.

"What are you doing here?" Jin finally pulled back from Jungkook, a smile playing on his lips as he noticed the younger looked better than ever with his styled, freshly dyed hair. Jin decided then that the light brown looked good on him – almost as good as his natural black.

Jungkook didn't mention Jin's odd behavior, happy for the hug, "I came to see you. And to give you a message from RM."

Jin scoffed, rolling his eyes, "You can call him Namjoon."

Jin was immediately hushed with a finger to his lips, "Not here. I don't know if it's safe." Jungkook pulled his finger away when he was certain Jin was going to comply, "You need to get out of Seoul. Another gang has been getting a little too interested in you and we don't want anything to happen."

Jin took another step back, "What?"

"What do you mean what?"

"Why would they be interested in me?"

"Rumor has it you were seen in some club with Yoongi hyung..." the words came out a bit more accusatory than Jungkook meant but he himself was curious.

Jin's eyes flicked to the floor, a bit surprised, "Oh..."

When Jin looked back up, Jungkook's arms were crossed over his chest and his lips were pressed into a thin line, "Is it true?"

Jin took in Jungkook's stance and expression before asking, "Is what true?

Jungkook rolled his eyes, "That you went to a club with Yoongi hyung?"

"Didn't he tell you?" there was nothing but shock in Jin's tone.

"No." hearing Jin ask that caused Jungkook to lower his hands to his side and take a less upset stance. But now his mind was racing as to why his hyung would do something like that.

"I saw him there with Taehyung," Jin explained, "I didn't get to speak with Taehyung, though."

Jungkook scoffed, rolling his eyes once again as everything clicked into place, "Damn hyung... he just wants you all to himself..."

Jin ignored Jungkook's comment, rolling his eyes as well. Yoongi, of course, was possessive but Jin didn't think he'd withhold information from the rest of the gang, especially concerning him. But it seemed perhaps he was mistaken, "Couldn't I just go with you and the gang instead of leaving Seoul?"

Jungkook hesitated, a small span of silence settling through Jin's apartment "I wish. I might be able to talk Namjoon into it but Hoseok will totally be against it."

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