
15.8K 583 67

You're all so incredibly sweet and supportive. You've been so incredibly kind to me especially when I say I'm stressed and tired. The feedback I get when I say I'm really tired and I don't know how much I can post chapters is really amazing - you're all so incredibly kind

Honestly I don't even have words

I appreciate you all so much. This story has gotten so much good feedback from amazing people like you (whoever is reading this - that's right - you're amazing and sweet and kind and totally dazzling in every way possible. You're beautiful and I appreciate you).

You guys are all so kind it really makes me want to work even harder to give you more chapters. It's true I'm very stressed right now and I'm in a very bad place mentally and where I'm living but I hope to move soon and I believe by the end of the summer I might be in a better frame of mind. Though, Bad boy might be finished by then...

Just... thank you so much. Thank you for everything. Your comments and feedback and sassy little notes on how kinky Jungkook is (XD) makes my freaking day and honestly makes life easier and thank you so much for brightening my life.

Keep healthy and sleep well my lovelies! There will be a celebration chapter Saturday because I believe Pretty Boy will reach 40K by then and I missed the celebration for Bad Boy hitting 5K.  And yes it will be what you think it is - no more teasing XD


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