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"This is the man?" He was greeted by an image of a harmless enough looking young man. His hair was raven black, settled nice and fluffy over his forehead, hiding his eyes behind some of the longer wisps in the front. He admittedly had never seen someone so naturally beautiful in a picture of the male gender and he surprised himself even by staring intently at the puffy pink lips and the broad shoulders a tad longer than he normally would for any other picture he had been given.

"Yes. I want him." Yongguk was sat at his desk, the lap on the wood dimmed ever so slightly due to the fixture being thrown around so much. It most certainly hadn't helped that his nemesis RM had come strutting in and blown a hole in his brother's head causing the thing to fall from the desk with the body's recoil.

"Dead?" The other man was still observing the picture. There would be no mistaking this man if he found him. Some of his targets were easily mistaken for others but not this one... this one was far too unique.

The man holding the picture was anything but ugly himself. His own features were drawn out in a longer face, his eyes almond shaped and a dark brown, taking on a color that was like whiskey. His own puffy lips were pulled into a thoughtful frown, taking in everything he was hearing and trying to decide what to do with the orders he was being given. Sometimes he could follow them. Sometimes he could not. It all depended on how dangerous his target actually turned out to be.

The man's name was Moon Jongup. He was quite often referred to simply as Moon in the gang world. He worked for whoever paid him the most and he never came cheap. There was one thing that kept him relevant and that was the fact he always got the job done to the satisfaction of his employers. He had never been caught by the police or a gang he was sent to target. He was quick on his feet and even better with weapons and it had earned him the title Angel of Death. Normally he was faceless but there were certain employers he trusted to see his actual face. Yongguk was one of them. He had been hired by the man many times before and they had a basic understanding. All was fair in this world and if Moon was ever sent after Yongguk the man would have no qualms with him personally.

Moon's attire was simple. He liked to keep things simple and stay with neutral colors. The more he blended in the better. He was a good looking young man and he knew this for a fact. His looks had gotten him out of many sticky situations. Despite that his look was always changing. He made sure to change his style and hair often. Yongguk was never surprised to see the assassin coming back into his study with the most ridiculous color sported on his head. Anywhere from midnight blue to a ruddy orange or even back to his natural obsidian color. The only thing to truly identify Moon from that the man couldn't change were his tattoos. He had a liking for them, marking his skin with the black ink as often as his busy schedule allowed. He didn't have any where they showed on his arms, most of them staying to his torso and shoulders but some would often peek out from around his collarbones.

"Alive." Yongguk hummed, picking up a glass of brandy that had been sitting idly by his right hand for some time, untouched but inviting with its deep reddish color, "And hurting. I don't care if you shoot him, I just need him to stay alive long enough for me to make him suffer." He finally allowed himself the pleasure of slipping the cool glass into his hand and taking a long sniff of the liquid sloshing in his cup before taking a tentative sip and humming once again in approval of the taste.

The other man grunted, finally letting the picture fall to his side, hand still clasped around the image, "All of this to get back at Kim Namjoon?"

Yongguk snarled, ready to lash out physically at the man, "He killed my brother." In an instant Yongguk was standing, making his way to the other side of the desk as he almost bared his teeth at this man – his hired killer – in a primitive show of dominance.

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