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Jungkook tasted sweet and chocolatey and Jin didn't even care that he hadn't gotten an opportunity to even take the first bite from the tub of ice cream because he swore could taste it so much better on Jungkook's tongue. Their movie was long forgotten and so was their dessert, slowly melting in the carton left on Jiho and Jin's coffee table. Jungkook had quickly moved it out of his lap to make room for Jin. The older man wasn't sitting on Jungkook's lap but instead had both of his legs swung over one of Jungkook's to where his feet were dangling between Jungkook's legs and the older man was facing the maknae.

At first, Jungkook's hand rested on Jin's knee quite comfortably. Jin's heart spiked a bit at the action, everything still slow and calm. His hand slowly moved upwards, though until it rested in the middle of his lap quite close to Jin's naughty parts. They kept going until Jungkook's fingers found their way to play with Jin's zipper, not pulling it up and down or really applying any pressure, but simply rubbing it over his fingers and taking in the cool metal that his own body heat was slowly making warm. Jin broke their kiss at that with a small, sharp intake of breath and simply letting blown eyes meet Jungkook's.

"Why did you do that?" despite the question Jungkook made no move to try and put distance between them. Truth be told, he loved it when Jin was close to him. He loved Jin's plump, full lips on his own and god did he love the little, high pitched sounds that always leaked out of Jin's mouth when he angled his tongue in just the right way.

Jin shrugged, too far gone in his own mind-fuzzy pleasure to really question his own motives, "I just wanted to feel you."

Jungkook leaned his face in, letting his lips rest and brush lightly against Jin's peach fuzz from not having shaved that morning, "This is wrong..."

Jin leaned in and stole a quick peck, enjoying the slickness of Jungkook's lips due to their previous kisses, "Mhm," he hummed in reply.

Jungkook didn't move, "Hobi will be pissed..."

Jin nodded, barely a movement of his head as his lips dipped down to mold around Jungkook's adams apple and give a little suck, "Mhm,"

Jungkook's mind was racing as each passing second his body heat did nothing but increase. The room had gotten far too warm and the ice cream he had just consumed did nothing to cool him, instead churning in his stomach along with a strange kind of excitement. Kim Seokjin was addictive and Jungkook finally understood why Namjoon had said that so very often after the hostage had been released. And Jungkook found himself in a very precarious position of giving into himself and Jin or doing what his gang would consider "the right thing" and walk away. He didn't exactly have time to spend the night and the others knew he had come to visit Jin. If they had sex and the others found out, Jungkook could be dead.

Jin didn't seem to care that Jungkook was half frozen for the moment under his touches. He had been waiting for one of them for a while – ever since that night with Yoongi – and his hormones were going crazy. Jin was horny and he wouldn't deny it but he also wouldn't do anything that Jungkook was uncomfortable with. After all, he had no doubt that the maknae would soon be in control once he came to his senses. He didn't seem like someone who would sub to Jin in bed.

And a moment later, Jungkook did come to his senses with a sharp intake of breath as Jin's thin fingers began deftly unbuttoning the top three buttons of Jungkook's white, nearly see-through shirt. It was, of course, a few sizes too large and hung down his body making him look even thinner than he truly was. Jungkook was ripped under the thin fabric and Jin couldn't wait to run his hands over the tan skin.

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