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Everything was hot – suffocating in the dimly lit room. The window was open, allowing a small breeze to make its way inward and the moon to illuminate Jin's bed. The breeze wasn't nearly enough to really cool anything though, only resulting in goose bumps rising on Jin's sweaty flesh, causing the fine hairs on his arms to stand on end. The wind brought the smell of flowers and honeysuckle through Jin's window, reminding him of the garden below and helping him relax slightly. However, it didn't do much to cover up the scent of sex and the strawberry lube practically dripping down Jin's thighs.

Jin lifted himself up before slowly sinking back down, feeling Jungkook pulsate inside of him.

There certainly was no better feeling than this, Jin had soon discovered. Jungkook had taken his precious time prepping Jin, until he was almost begging for something more than three fingers and a bigger stretch. It was a sight that would forever be burned into Jungkook's memory. The younger allowed Jin to have his way, letting him straddle him and push him down into the mattress, a smirk on his lips as he watched the older work himself up and down his shaft, a filthy squelching noise filling the room to be accompanied by Jungkook's low groans and Jin's panting and moaning.

"You're going to have to work harder, baby, come on..." he groaned again as Jin did nothing but tighten around him, "Make me cum."

Jungkook was heaving for breath now as well, a special light in his eyes as he took in Jin's sweaty form on top of him, the older man's thighs trembling with anticipation and exertion. Jin bounced himself harder on Jungkook's cock, closing his eyes and bracing his sweaty hands against Jungkook's chest as he tried to go faster. He wanted Jungkook to feel pleasure through him. He wanted to be good for Jungkook.

Jungkook's eyes were fixed on the area between their hips. He had the perfect angle and opportunity to watch his cock glide in and out of Jin's wet heat and bask in the little slapping noises that resulted whenever Jungkook would thrust upwards to meet Jin halfway coming down. Jungkook opened his mouth in a silent cry of ecstasy, sent to another realm of euphoria as Jin clenched around him and once again fastened his pace. The slide of his cock against Jin's wet and velveteen walls was driving him crazy. He could feel his stomach muscles tightening and he let his hands wander up to grip Jin's waist firmly, leaving red marks where his fingers rested as he tried to assist the older man in his effort to reach his climax.

Jin mewled, taking one of his hands from Jungkook's chest and doing his best to brace himself with one, shaky arm as the other wandered to his own neglected cock, red and leaking at the tip, slapping against his abdomen with every bounce on the younger's cock. Jungkook saw what he was doing and was quick to grab Jin's wrist, twisting it away and enjoying the small shriek of unexpected pain that accompanied the action, the sound going straight to his dick. He held the older man's now wounded hand to his chest, placing it where it had been before to help him stabilize himself.

"You're cumming from nothing but my cock in your ass, do you understand?" Jungkook jutted his hips upwards and into Jin's tight heat with every other word, listening to the small moan that wracked through Jin's body as the older nodded in agreement.

"Yes, Kookie... only your cock..." Jin sobbed. With every extra thrust Jungkook nailed his prostate, causing Jin's eyes to roll back into his head as he tried not to go into some kind of subspace, blissed out and ready to cum already. He had been trying to keep his voice down, not really wanting to deal with any complaints or have his neighbors know exactly what he was doing. Jungkook was making that extremely difficult, working his own hips in accordance with Jin's, giving them both a sharp pleasure that sent them that much closer to release. Jin had basically given up, letting himself moan as loudly as he needed. Jungkook was grinning knowing he could cause Jin to feel such a way.

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