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Jin had many, many questions and no clue where to even start. He felt as though the gag was back in his mouth because he couldn't seem to force the words to leave the tip of his tongue. They all died in his mouth whenever he tried to say anything, leaving a bad taste there as his stomach churned. These men seemed far more intense than the gang had and Jin simply felt sick at the mention of Namjoon's head being carried overseas to some century old gang lord in America.

The older man was quick to leave. Jin sill had no clue who he was besides Ilhoon and Yongguk's father. He didn't like the sound of anything happened and he also didn't like that the old man was leaving. He seemed almost more at ease with the man he was beginning to simply call Gang Dad in his head. Older people usually didn't let too bad of things happen but with him gone Jin was left in the more capable hands of the younger men. At least with an old man he could fight and possibly win. He couldn't do that with two able-bodied and debatably well-built gangsters.

Jin was in a small room but it wasn't a basement. He was thankful for that. There was a window to the far right but there were heavy, blackout curtains blocking his view and so Jin had no real way to tell where he was. However, there was a tiny sliver of light poking through the bottom that did let Jin know it was probably sometime in the afternoon. He was tied to a chair in the middle of the room and as he looked down at his feet he noticed that the chair was also screwed down into the floor. That meant he couldn't move at all or even scooch around in hopes of making it to the window. There was absolutely nothing else in the room, only light grey walls and the two men who were in there with him. To Jin it was an elaborate setup – there was absolutely no out besides the window and the one door and he couldn't move a muscle due to the chair being secured down into the floor.

Ilhoon's eyes absolutely sparkled as they went from the door his father had exited from and back to Jin, "Where should we start with him?"

The question was directed at Yongguk but Jin still felt the need to speak up and finally found his voice, wincing as it cracked, "Maybe letting me go home?"

"You're kidding, right?" Ilhoon tilted his head to observe the man tied in front of him. Jin was admittedly rather lovely and despite not being gay even Ilhoon could see that. He liked to tease, though and so he would continue to do so with Jin, "You just got here."

Jin gulped before muttering, mostly to himself, "Worth a try..."

There was a quiet ding that resonated through the room. Jin looked to Ilhoon. It had to have been a phone. Sure enough, the man rolled his eyes and thrust his hand into his pocket to fish out an iPhone. He was quick to turn away from Jin and Yongguk to speak to whoever was on the other side in hushed tones. Yongguk didn't move at all and Jin absolutely hated the way he continued to stare at him.

Jin swallowed back his fears once more, "So... what are you going to do with me?" his voice cracked again making him wish he could keep himself together a bit more or perhaps even make it to where he could come across as intimidating.

Yongguk considered this question, pursing his lips and letting his hands slowly slip into the pockets of his dress slacks. He said nothing for a long time and so Jin's only background noise was the sound of Ilhoon's whispering and his own beating heart thumping away rapidly in his chest.

The man finally shifted and almost smiled – Jin could see the corners of his mouth twitch upwards before he stilled them, "Well," once again he paused as if considering the best answer, "you are here to send a message to Bangtan..."

He looked as though he was waiting for Jin to confirm this and so Jin nodded hesitantly.

"We just need you around to make them fuss a little and get uncomfortable." He stepped forward and took one of Jin's hands in his own. Jin was quick to bunch his fingers into a fist but Yongguk pried his hand back to where it was lying flat on his own until he grasped at Jin's pointer finger, "Sending them a finger might do the trick..."

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