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Over 3,000 words of smut guys. A long chapter and I'm sorry it took me so long to get it out. That being said: warning it is a smut chapter there's no real "plot" to this chapter and there is sadist tendencies in this chapter


The blood and sweat mingled together on Jin's back and he gasped when Jimin's tongue ran over the cut Yoongi had made, staining the youngest man's tongue an even deeper red as copper tingled on his taste buds.

Yoongi had gotten Jimin because he admitted felt incredibly guilty. He knew Jimin would bring him back to where he should be with Jin, somewhere in the middle ground instead of being in the extreme and just making Jin cry until Yoongi himself came from the high-pitched whines. He was already straining through his pants and he could feel himself dully throbbing through the confines of his boxers. He couldn't wait to sink himself inside of Jin. The man was already so pretty and Yoongi couldn't wait to see how absolutely lovely he would look being taken from behind.

Jimin was lost in his own world of pleasing the older man, his heart fluttering in his chest at every little gasp, whimper and mewl that he could force out of Jin's mouth. He had worked Jin up to three fingers, thrusting them in and out of his hole, slowing every few seconds to hear Jin cry in need before speeding back up and making the older man lurch forward with pleasure and grind his own hips back against Jimin's hand. Of course, Jimin didn't want to leave Jin like this. He was fully prepped but Jimin still wanted to have a little fun and perhaps make the stretch a bit wider.

The youngest turned back to Yoongi. The man was watching Jimin finger Jin open with dark eyes, palming himself ever so slightly in anticipation. He didn't really need to pleasure himself any to keep his erection up as the sounds coming out of Jin were enough to keep him rock hard for another hour. But he needed some kind of relief. He couldn't have Jin just yet. He needed to make the man wait and perhaps beg for his cock.

"May I look at your toys, hyung?" Jimin's grin was absolutely feral and Yoongi had a tingle run down his spine.

Yoongi only grunted trading places with Jimin and kneeling down behind Jin. The man was whimpering from being empty after having three of Jimin's fat fingers in his hole. He gasped when he felt a cold hand begin to trace little shapes on his ass cheek before a forefinger started to trail over his puffy hole. Yoongi was positively beaming. Jin's entrance was clenching around nothing but air, practically begging to be filled by something and Yoongi wanted to fix that immediately.

Jimin came back to Yoongi's side, his own grin even more wicked than before. He had several small objects in his hands and set about placing them exactly where he wanted them, scooting Yoongi out of his way.

Jimin switched to English so Jin wouldn't be able to understand, "When do you want him to cum?"

Yoongi tilted his head. He needed to be more moderate. This was Jin's first time with a sadist and he needed to back off. He could tell the older man was struggling and only holding it all in because he wanted so badly to please Yoongi. It was pathetically sweet and Yoongi wasn't about to take advantage of that.

"We'll make him wait a bit longer but not too long. He's having a difficult time."

"How many dry orgasms?" Jimin was obviously far more willing to keep going until Jin actually did use his safe word.

"None." Yoongi shot back quickly. That would be too much for this round. Maybe later on they could start experimenting with that but for right now Yoongi needed to deescalate things and get Jin into a better situation. He could do more vanilla sex if it was with Jin. He just wanted the man to enjoy it as much as he was.

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