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Jin wasn't entirely sure how he ended up on top of Jungkook on his couch, kissing as hard as he could and hoping to every single thing in the universe and above that Jiho didn't come home for any kind of reason.

This Jungkook was far more starling to Jin but not entirely unwelcome and to a large extent, quite piqued Jin's interest. Jungkook had normally been almost hesitant in their kisses, never showing too much dominance and definitely not forcing Jin into any kind of heated clash of tongue. But now... it was severely clear who was in charge here even though Jin was on top. Jungkook – this Jungkook – wasn't the soft little boy who had gotten a scar from trailing after a cute boy in his childhood. This Jungkook was a monster in bed and was determined to show it.

Jungkook fingers grasped at Jin's sides after sneaking up under his shirt, his finger nails digging into the pliant skin and marking it with eight little, mini crescents as he held tighter.

"Do you have any lubricant?"

"Umm..." Jin gasped before trying to control his high pitched voice a bit more, "Jiho does. In his room in the far right dresser drawer under his shirts."

Jungkook pulled away for a moment, mouth opened a bit and a small, lopsided, disbelieving grin on his face, "How do you know that about your roommate?"

Jin snickered, wrapping his arms around Jungkook's shoulders, "He keeps trying to get me laid and always tells me where his lube is in case I bring someone home."

"You know what'd be fun?" Jungkook nipped at Jin's earlobe.

Jin wasn't truly listening, only humoring Jungkook to seem as if he was, "What?"

Jungkook couldn't stop the laugh that sprang from his lips, "If we did this in his bed."

That caught his attention. Jin pulled away with a little breathless laugh, pushing on Jungkook's chest until he was far enough away that there was a small gap between their faces and Jin could properly see the younger.

"That would be so wrong,"

Jungkook laughed again as well, "You're with a gangster, pretty boy. If you're going to play with the big dogs you have to be rough," Jungkook leaned in again and Jin shivered as hot breath fanned out onto his ear. He knew Jungkook could feel his small shudder because he was chuckling lowly all too soon, "When are you going to stop being just a pretty boy and start being a bad boy?"

Jin bit his lip, "Right now?"

Jungkook let out a low sort of chuckle, sensual and effective for Jin to already be pulling him up off the couch and down the hall to get to Jiho's room. Of course, he would never do that to his best friend, he would refuse to have sex with Jungkook if Jungkook demanded to have it in Jiho's bed but it didn't seem much of a problem in the end...

Jin bent down to open Jiho's drawer, rummaging around for the lube. He felt Jungkook pressing one of his hands down flush against the small of his back, holding him in that position as the other wandered to his hip, grasping tightly. Jungkook then canted his hips forward and into Jin's backside before letting out a strangled kind of groan. Jin felt his hands wrap around the cool bottle he was looking for but didn't move to stand back up. He couldn't. Jungkook was holding him down with that one hand, was still rutting against him softly, and letting out little pants of pleasure.

If Jin wasn't hard before, he sure as hell was now.

"Babe..." Jungkook cut himself off with another little groan. Jin could hear the neediness in his voice and practically grinned. He had been waiting for this for so long. He couldn't believe this was happening. Jin forced himself to stand, Jungkook pushing down slightly on his back to keep him in place but realizing Jin didn't want to be in that position any longer. The older heard a few whined out complains as he dragged Jungkook into his room, kicking the door shut behind them, turning and reconnecting his lips with Jungkook's before they even made it to the bed.

Once they made it to the bed, Jungkook was quick to hoist Jin up, frightening him slightly, before throwing him down onto the mattress. Jin could only stare as Jungkook ridded him of his shirt without any help from Jin aside from lifting his arms, ripping it off and over his head before crawling on top of Jin and reconnecting their lips.

Jungkook ran his nails down Jin's sides, creating angry red streaks against his pale skin. Jin whimpered slightly at the feeling but he found it enjoyable. At first, he wasn't sure if he liked the added pain but after Jungkook did it again, Jin found himself moaning instead of choking out confused noises.

Jungkook wasted no time dipping down to his chest to begin marking him, "How do you want to do this, babe?"

"C-can I..." Jin shuddered and moaned again as Jungkook began rubbing him through his boxers and jeans.

"What was that?" Despite Jin's eyes being closed he could still hear the amusement in Jungkook's voice and knew he must look so damn smug.

"W-wanna," Jin hiccupped as Jungkook thrusted against him, both of them clearly unhappy with the amount of hindering cloth in their way, "Ride y-you,"

Jungkook tilted his head as if considering Jin underneath him, barely staying together, "You think you deserve to be on top of me?"

"W-w-wanna ngh~" Jin couldn't get the words out with Jungkook rubbing up against him, sucking dark purple and red marks into his pale skin and lapping at the salty sweat that was slowly forming on his throat. Jin could only close his eyes and sink into the feeling of Jungkook against himself. His tongue was so hot against his skin, branding him with hickeys and then little, apologetic licks that sent Jin into a higher realm of pleasure.

Jungkook moved up, blowing into Jin's ear before unbuttoning his pants and slipping them off hurriedly, assisted by Jin half kicking them off as the younger pulled. And then they were immediately back together, kissing, moaning and bucking for friction, now with even less material between them. Jin wrapped his legs firmly around Jungkook's hips, pulling them closer together so Jin could feel it even more when Jungkook would jolt forward and into him.

Jin let his eyes drift closed when he heard the popping of the lube cap, nothing but a smile on his face as he awaited what was to come.


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I'm sorry this chapter is so short.... i'm under a lot of stress rn and it's getting harder to write... I'm sorry guys. :( I'll still update on time tho!

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