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I looked at my sleeping angel, & smiled at her!

How can she look so innocent, when the work she did today was to fool a MAFIA, a fucking experienced mafia!

The man she fooled was the leader of Scorpios, not some small goon! I don't yet get their intention behind kidnapping her, but she actually fooled them all the time, buying us time, then, & even now she sent us location, else we might not be able to locate her this easily!

I saw her standing in front of him, eye-to-eye, while he was about to shoot her, munching her cookies & chips! I chuckled as I looked at her sleeping peacefully.

We have cracked hardest of the shells, just using their fear to die, & here is she! Who will believe she is a simple college going girl?

She shifted her head on my shoulder, & I wrapped my hands around her. Her words resonated in my brain! She isn't afraid to die as she thinks she has nobody to loose!

I want her to fear loosing me! YES, I want to see her fear dying, knowing I'm here for her!

Avi looked at us, clicked a pic & smiled, nodding at me, as he looked at her with a loving brotherly smile. A proud smile!

Of course he was proud of him as a brother, & I was proud of choosing her as 'my girl'! Even the thought of her blooms my heart!

"Isn't she brave & cute?" he asked talking of the scene we saw from our eyes, when she teased that Akash, & he was about to shoot her, while she stood boldly, & looking at her cute sleeping form.

"Isn't she smart & beautiful as well?" added I, as we both looked at each other & laughed.

She whimpered & snuggled more into me, complainingly, as we shut our mouths, & she held on my shirt tightly, & I caressed her hairs & back, looking at her all the while, feeling peace.

My world was shaken up when I found out that she was missing! I was desperate, though I tried to behave, but couldn't!

I felt like shooting all the fuckers who troubled my innocent Beauty!

But now, I feel complete, with her! I wonder will I ever be able to even breathe properly without her?

"I want all the details as soon as we reach home!" I declared & Avi nodded.

She is a hard sleeper! Didn't wake up even after we reached home, which took us an hour!

"Maybe she is too tired!" added Avi, as I looked at him & nodded.

We both had no heart to wake her up, so I decided to take her in with me.

"Don't you dare to touch her!" he warned remembering of that night when I hurt her in my stupid anger, as he tried to take her from me, but she frowned in her sleep & stick more to me, & I smirked looking at Avi, & he rolled his eyes.

I kissed her cheek looking at him, as he clenched his jaw, & I smirked!

I held her in my arms, as she held my shirt tightly, shifting closer & I took her in, she yet slept peacefully. I couldn't take my eyes off her.

But as soon as I entered the penthouse, there stood Mom & Vidhi, waiting impatiently.

"Aisha! Aisha! What happened to her? Is she alright?" asked a hyper Vidhi.

My girl furrowed her brows, & hid her face in my chest, as if asking me to protect her sleep.

"Aisha? Oh my God, did they hurt her? Aisha wake up!" she came closer & before I could deny she jerked her shoulder.

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