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No one's pov
Ruby is still slowly recovering she was able to move abit more but no big activities she more clung to the side of belly then Conrad

But that night is one no one will
A couple night ago ruby was being sick again throwing up blood
"Mummy" ruby screamed and she keto screaming
"Daddy" after the fourth shout (tw, it's gonna get really gruesome and mentions of sickness so if your not coming please skip I'll say when it's over)

belly and Conrad ran in seeing blood and food everywhere she was throwing up more more blood covering her sheet as belly ran to her side
"Mu-" she was cut short but saliva and blood coming up

"It's okay baby just keep throwing up" belly soothed as she rubbed her back Conrad took all the sheets of the bed and ran a bath they knew it will be a long time before she's healthy again
As Conrad was running the bath Anna walked in
"Is she okay"

"I think so"
"What happened dad"
"Just throwing up again she'll be okay"
"I hope so"
"Me to" he said as he pulled Anna in for a hug
"Go back to bed okay"

Anna walked past rubys room seeing blood everywhere it looked like a murder scene. Once the bath was done belly stood on the bathroom with ruby whilst she washed Incase she threw up again luckily she didn't, they decided that they would just let her sleep with them as it might be easier

Conrad couldn't sleep tho so he decided just to go outside
Belly woke up not longer after he left and followed him
"Hey" she said sitting next to him by the pool
"Hey" he said back
"Are you okay" she asked
"No" he said laying his head on belly
"This is the 6th time now what if-"

"Conrad nothing going to happen shes gettin better"
"Okay" they just sat there for a while before going to bed

Months later
Ruby recovered slowly but she was 100% healthy again but was sure to be kept on medication for a very long time
She had those fisher Conklin genes to keep on fighting

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