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Knowing Klaus was in Mystic Falls mean's one thing, which has Alaina worried. She was worried for her baby, Stefan and her parents. Stefan put his arms around her and kissed her head. "Tonight is the night and we both know it." She tells him. 'What else does he need for this ritual because it can't be just Elena he wants."

"Well, we will figure out it." He tells her as he kissed her. "Don't worry about it."


"Alaina, you have me to keep you and our baby safe." He tells her.

The blonde looked at him smiling as she kissed him. They didn't see the person outside watching them. The figure was going to hate what he was going to do and that was to kill the girl's mother. The one person that raised the blonde.
Klaus decided to make an appearance to Alaina and the ripper. "Hello, love." He says causing her to look at him.

"Who the hell..."

"Klaus?" She said causing him to smile. "You were in the vision that your sister gave me."

"You are a part of Lucille. I compelled that bitch to give you to someone that will raise you right." He tells her. "You may be a Richardson, but you carry the Mikaelsons blood."

Stefan grabbed Alaina as he glared at him. "You won't..."

"I have plans for you two and Taylor." Klaus looked at Alaina as he hated what he was about to do, but he has to do right.
That night, Alaina stood with Stefan as they waited. Taylor said he would save Elena, but when he came to them. He looked them. "Is Elena okay?"

"Yeah, but you may need to sit down."

"Why? What's going on?"

"Klaus killed Jenna."

Alaina fell to her knees as Stefan grabbed her. She cried out that her mother was gone. Her best friend, the woman who took care of when her birth mother wouldn't was gone, all because of a ritual. "Why her? Why my mother out of all these dumb ass people in town?"

"Because she was also leverage for Elena." Taylor tells her. "I'm so sorry."

Alaina stood up and walked over to Taylor and punched him. "I swear to god, you and Bonnie will regret pissing me off. You two said you had a plan to save Elena. Why the hell didn't you save my mom! I hope one day, Elena dies. I didn't lose a friend, I lost my fucking mom because you and Bonnie's main focus was Elena. Not my mom. An innocent woman died for nothing."

Stefan watched her run upstairs causing him to sigh. "You should have thought of Jenna because now, I have a very upset finacee crying because she lost someone so important." He says. "Elena better have a good apology because that woman shouldn't be losing the only parent she had. Yes, Alaric is still here, but he never knew it was her so all she had was Jenna. She grew a bond with her, a bond that would never break and now, all she has is me and our baby."

Taylor watched him walk away causing him to sigh. He screwed up and now, a daughter is mourning the loss of her mother.
When the funeral was setup for Jenna and John, Stefan and Caroline held Alaina as she was in so much pain. Alaric saw his daughter breaking apart as her best friend and finacee held her. "Is she going to be okay? She hasn't said much to anyone..."

"She will be in time." Alaric tells him as Alaina put a rose on Jenna's casket. "She's strong and she has that baby and Stefan. And myself."

Damon looked at Stefan kissing Alaina as she was telling him something. "I can't hear what they are saying."

Taylor walked over to them. "She wants to talk to Klaus. Ask him why her mother."

"I thought you told her."

"I did and that is why Elena is a little hurt because Alaina won't speak to her." Taylor tells them. "She wants to hear it from Klaus."
Stefan and Alaina arrived at Alaric's apartment and walked in without knocking. "Where the hell are you, Klaus?" She called out. "You fucking wanker, you don't know who the hell you have pissed off."

"I know who I pissed off and that is my sister."

"I'm not your sister. Lucille is dead." She tells him. "Why my mother?"

"Because I know Elena would listen to me, but I would never hurt you. I didn't mean to hurt you, but if you come with me, I will show you what you truly are." He tells her as he daggered Elijah.

Stefan pulled her behind him. "No." He says.

"I have you and Taylor. I know she'll go now."

Katherine became worried for them. She was handed the cure as Taylor started drinking causing Stefan to hold Alaina as he wasn't the only one with a Ripper side. So was Taylor. Klaus looked at them as he knew the mates actually were going to go because Klaus wasn't leaving Alaina behind.

Alaina looked at Klaus as she wanted to really know what he means by who she truly is, but she will get her answer as to why her mother died.

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