BLIND (Tamaki Suoh)

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Title: Blind

Pairings: Tamaki Suoh x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes

Summary: Tamaki's behavior proves too much for his fiance.



deprive (someone) of understanding, judgment, or perception:

Sometimes, you wished Tamaki would just open up his eyes and see you. You, and not the engagement your families had forced upon you both.

You could tell from day one that Tamaki hated the idea and, subsequently, hated you for representing the ball and chain that attached itself to his ankle. You couldn't blame him for being angry that his future freedom had been taken away, but you wished he wouldn't blame you for it.

You weren't much happier than him at first, but you decided to make the best of it. Tamaki was handsome, you could even appreciate that when you both were children forced to play together. He also had a soft side that you rarely got to see under all the silly dramatics. If only you could unlock that part of him, surely you both could be happy!

Then the host club started.

It's easy to smile and say that you aren't bothered, but it's another thing to actually not be bothered with your fiance flirting with girls all the time. You could never help the twisting of jealousy in your gut anytime you heard or saw anything to do with the host club.

You'd tried to visit before. Make the best of things. But he'd blacklisted you as a customer, said with a careless tone that maybe you'd prefer one of the other boys. That stung.

"Make the best of it" became a mantra in your head, a desperate goal and coping method all in one. Eventually, Tamaki would either come to love you or accept that his future was predetermined by a piece of paper with his father's signature.

Did you want a potentially loveless marriage? No, of course not. But that's what happened to most people of your stature, so it wasn't a surprise. If you could just make the best of your situation, you could be happy. Probably.

The changes in Tamaki really started when a new boy joined the club. You could tell right away that he was naturally a girl, but wouldn't out him to the school if that's what he chose as his path. You began to suspect that Tamaki knew this truth as well, because he always seemed so flustered around the boy.

Haruhi. You numbly repeated his name in your head. Even in the beginning, you knew, this relationship would be the downfall of your own.

Numbness overtook you as you caught the pair kissing and holding hands, looking happy and carefree, even outside of the club where there were no requirements for them to act like a cute couple or something.

They were trying to be secretive and, at first, you wondered how you were the only one catching them in the act. Then, it hit you like a speeding train.

Tamaki wanted you to see.

Your daily trips to the mansion were mostly in lonely silence. You cleaned the place like his maids probably should, made him his favorite meals, ran hot baths for him, and sometimes left him notes around the house to boost his self-esteem and cheer him up.

As time went on, it began to feel like empty actions. Duties without reward or even so much as acknowledgment. Things you did just because that tiny voice still cried "Make the best of everything!"

Well, you were getting sick of that voice. That hapless fool inside your head that didn't seem to realize that things were speeding out of control. How could you make the best of anything, when he continually gave you nothing to work with.

You cried as you did those little things- what had once felt like happy little jobs became heavy chores that you couldn't figure out why you continued. The tears blurred your eyes as you made each gift for Tamaki- gifts that would no doubt be cast aside and forgotten.

What was the point?

When Tamaki called a crowd together in the school's entrance hall, standing atop one of the highest steps with his hands intertwined with Haruhi, you knew it was all over.

"Haruhi is actually a girl- and she and I have started dating!" His eyes seemed to dart to yours to gauge your reaction, but you didn't dare show anything on your face. You were still a regal person, determined to not put your family's name to shame.

"What? Is that true, Haruhi?" One of the girls in the crowd shrieked.

You didn't need Haruhi's answer nor the shy smile on her face to confirm the truth. You'd already known well before that this was the future you'd been helplessly barreling towards.

The crowd had mixed reactions. Some people were supportive and found the couple cute, others were jealous of Haruhi, and many people were confused on the whole matter. Those were the ones whose words shot like daggers into your heart.

"Doesn't Tamaki have a fiance?"

"What will his father think?"

"Does that mean his engagement is canceled?"

Struggling not to break down, you pushed your way through the crowd, looking for an escape. The crowd was too thick and it was quickly too late.

You broke down crying, your large tears blinding you as little hiccups left your lips. Finally, the sea of people parted and you ran through it. You risked one look at Tamaki and were upset to see him looking concerned. How dare he be concerned when he was the one that hurt you?

You skipped your classes, opting instead to head straight home and confront your parents. The moment you were in front of them both, you broke down once more. They wanted to know who'd hurt you right away and, when your story of Tamaki was revealed, they vowed to rip the contract into little pieces.

They let you stay home the next few days. If you could, you'd stay home forever. How could you show your face after you'd been humiliated and cried like that in front of everyone?

You focused your thoughts and feelings into gardening. Today you cut the stems of flowers and placing them into your basket before bringing them up to the house. The chores you did were fit for the family's gardener, but he was on vacation and you needed something to distract yourself with.

You heard your name called. Furrowing your brow, you raised your head and shielded your eyes against the sun. Was that...?

It was, a certain blonde boy was speeding towards you at the speed of light. Had he jumped the tall fence or broken the gate's lock? Either method was concerning, to say the least.

You let out a feeble "hey!" when he kicked up some of the flowers in his path to you, but you were more afraid of what he had to say than of losing a couple of flowers.

Finally, he stopped in front of you and dropped to his knees. You stood, watching in shock as he kneeled in the dirt, in a motion that you'd expect a man begging the queen to spare his life.

"I'm so sorry, (Y/n). I- I was so stupid, so blind! I didn't know how much I'd miss you when you were gone. Please come back, please! I'll do anything!"

You stared at him in shock, "What about Haruhi?"

The man raised his head, his eyes glazed over as they met yours, "I took care of her."

It wasn't so much the words he said, as it was the chilling, lifeless tone in which he said it. You took a step back, nearly tripping over the small mound of dirt behind you.

"What did you do to her?" Your voice came out shaky and unsure. Tamaki would never hurt someone, would he? That thought was laughable, wasn't it?

Tamaki grasped your ankles and began to cry, looking more pathetic than you could have ever imagined him. You never thought that Tamaki would ever beg on his knees to anyone, much less you.

"I'll do anything." Tamaki murmured. Somehow you knew.

He would definitely hurt someone, if they got in his way.

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