Black Magic (Satan)

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Title: Love Potion

Pairings: Satan (Obey Me) x Reader

WARNINGS: yandere themes, drugging, wizarding AU

Summary: Never trust another wizard's potion.

"Take a sip of my secret potion
One taste and you'll be mine
It's a spell that can't be broken
And'll keep you up all night"

-From "Black Magic" by Little Mix

"Woah, are you sure you've done it right? It's all pink."

Your potions' project partner, Satan, gave you a shrug, his blond hair sticking to his sweaty forehead. You were sure you didn't look much better than him- you could feel sweat beading on your brow and rolling down your temples. The heat from the two cauldrons in such a small space was definitely getting to you both.

"The goal of the project was to create a potion that makes the drinker happy, right?" Satan asked, giving the potion a swirl with the mixer.

"Right," you replied, "But mine is yellow. Not pink."

Satan gave you an awkward smile, "I don't mean to brag, but I am the top of the class, (Y/n). Have you considered the idea that it's not supposed to be yellow?"

You frowned, reaching out for the potions' book, but Satan pulled it out of your reach and read it, "It doesn't say anything about the potions' color. I guarantee you, though, this potion will make you happy."

"Not as happy as my potion will make you," you shot back with a laugh.

The two of you each pulled out a vial and dipped it in each other's potions. For a moment, you considered the bright pink liquid with a hint of hesitation, then you downed it. If something was wrong with it, there were All-purpose Antidotes a few feet away in the glass cabinets.

Satan was smiling like an idiot, so unlike the calm smile you've seen on him before. You tried to tell him "I told you so" but you were unable to open your mouth. You felt like you were floating, but not in a good way. Almost as though you were in a fog.

"Satan..." the voice that left your mouth was not your own. It had a dreamier quality and a soft sigh at the end. Almost as if... "I love you."

You tried to take the words back and apologize, but nothing came out. A dopey smile spread across your face and you couldn't wipe it from your lips.

Satan's smile grew wider as he watched the love potion take full effect. Your eyes grew hazy and adoring, your stare relaxing into a loving gaze. He had hoped for this outcome, but seeing you transform into what he always wanted you to be... it was far more exhilarating than he could have ever imagined.

He stepped around the cauldrons and moved closer to you and, to your horror, you leaned closer to him until your lips nearly grazed his. You screamed silently at yourself to back away, to turn and run, but your mind and body were no longer one. Your mind was confused, betrayed, horrified....

But your body just wanted his touch.

"How do you feel?" Satan asked, "Happy?"

"So happy, Satan!" you cooed, "I'm so happy because you're here! I love you, Satan!"

He reached out a hand and gently brushed a strand of hair from your face. Such a romantic motion sent shivers down your spine. "I've always wanted to hear you say that," he murmured.

You wanted to ask what was wrong with him, why he had done such a thing, but you were no longer connected to your voice.

"I've wanted you for so long," Satan said gleefully, his smile stretching into something insane, a mix between your happy potion and his sick pride at turning you into a mindless lover, "But you never look at me the way I want you too. This is just a... nudge in the right direction. Surely you understand?"

"Of course I understand!" you whined, "I don't know how I never saw you before!"

"I don't know either," Satan says in a voice so smug you wish you could punch him in the face over it.

"You and (Y/n)? When did you two become a thing?" Mammon asked, eyes zeroing in on the way you held hands with Satan. Your hand squeezed his so tightly that it hurt you, but you couldn't stop.

The giggle that left your mouth was so unlike you that you felt sick, "Why do you sound so surprised?"

Mammon hid a pout, "No reason at all."

"Mind your own business, brother," Satan said softly. You just giggled and wrapped your arms around Satan's. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to your lips.

"Aww!" Asmodeus said loudly, "So cute!"

You wished you could vomit all over Satan's stupid, shiny shoes to show him just how displeased you truly were. You were counting down the hours until the potion wore off.

Satan spent nearly an hour showing off your relationship. You couldn't wait to give him a good kick in the crotch once you were finally out of this fog.

But, to your horror, Satan pulled out a vial of pink liquid, handed it to you, and said "Drink."

Your love-bound body didn't hesitate.

Dark Obsession (Yandere! Various Fandoms x F! Reader One-shots)Where stories live. Discover now