See Through (Kokichi Ouma)

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Requested on my Tumblr.

Forgive me for not knowing everything about psychology, there's probably some mistakes there. And this is a little cheesy but I wasn't entirely sure how to write it.

Title: See Through

Pairings: Kokichi Ouma x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes, therapist reader, Kokichi's a little shit

Summary: You can see straight through Kokichi, and he's not sure how to feel about that.

"Kokichi, would you like to have a therapy session with me? I'm not charging." You teased.

Kokichi put a finger to his chin, as though he were thinking hard about your offer. "Hmm, doc, that's very tempting, but I have to meet up with Shuichi at noon."

You raised an eyebrow, clearly disbelieving, "You can just say you don't want to do therapy, I'll understand. No need to make something up."

Kokichi just grinned back at you.

As the Ultimate Therapist, you had seen all of the other students so far, happy to try to lift them up in such a worrisome time. A killing game could take a toll on everyone's minds, so you did your best to be there for them.

The others all had their own issues to work through. Maki had trust issues that had nothing to do with the killing game, Miu had a tendency to be promiscuous, Korekiyo had sister issues, Tsumugi was clearly hiding something, Shuichi had past trauma involving his Ultimate talent... While Kokichi refused to sit down and talk with you, it was clear what issue he had.


There were two types of liars: pathological and compulsive. They were similar, but with key differences. Pathological liars lied for some sort of gain or manipulation. Compulsive liars couldn't help themselves, and lied about even the smallest of things.

While you leaned towards the latter, you wanted to sit down and talk to Kokichi. You wondered what his reasons for lying were, although you had some ideas.

"Why do you lie, Kokichi?" You asked him pleasantly, "Is it to feel better about yourself or can you not help it?"

His grin faltered just slightly.

"Just have one session with me, that's all," you pleaded, giving him your best puppy dog eyes.

For a second, you saw his mask slip. That grin melted into nothing but a blank stare, his eyes swirling with an emotion even you couldn't place.

Then, the grin was back and he was cheerfully saying, "Okay, okay, doc, no need to beg."

He took a seat across the table from you, resting his chin on one of his fists while he watched you carefully, cautiously.

"Do you remember the first lie you ever told?" You asked.

Kokichi smiled, "Yes. I lied that I took a bath, when I didn't."

You held back a small groan, "Kokichi, I can tell you're lying."

"Well how am I supposed to remember something so long ago?" Kokichi asked, a little giggle escaping his lips."

"That's a lie too," you monotoned.

Kokichi's grin faded, "How can you see through me so easily?" His voice was serious this time, a little deeper than before.

"I'm a therapist, that's my job." You said briskly, "Let's move on to a different question. How-"

"You smell like strawberries, you know," Kokichi smiled, kicking his feet back and forth under the table like a child.

"Um, thank you," you replied, unsure of how to respond. "How do you feel when you lie?"

"I feel bad-"

"No, you don't."

Kokichi finally seemed a little frustrated, his lips curling into a pout. You felt a little bad for pushing him too hard in your first session, but it was important for him to know that you weren't falling for his lies.

"I don't feel anything. Lies are just more interesting than the truth. There's only one truth but infinite possibilities for lies. And there are lies meant to spare people's feelings or not creep them out. I wouldn't normally tell you, for instance, that I'll do anything to make people I like like me, even strangle them if I need to. And you're someone I like, doc."

You swallowed dryly. For once, Kokichi was telling the truth. "I thought you disliked me."

"Nope!" Kokichi popped the "p", a dark grin spreading across his face. "Tell me if I'm lying here, doc."

He leaned across the table, face drawing nearer to yours until his warm breath played across your lips.

"I follow you around the school sometimes, just because I feel warm being around you. I've picked the lock to your room and poked around in there, lying on your bed because it smells like you. I can't help thinking about you every moment of the day."

You swallowed again, closing your eyes and trying to still your wildly-beating heart.

He was telling the truth again.

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