Shoot To Thrill (Floyd Leech)

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Requested on Quotev! This is a bit short.

Title: Shoot to Thrill

Pairings: Floyd Leech x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes, mafia AU

Summary: You're given over to Floyd in place of your parents' debts.

"Shoot to thrill, play to kill

I got my gun at the ready, gonna fire at will, yeah

I'm like evil, I get under your skin

Just like a bomb that's ready to blow"

-From "Shoot to Thrill" by AC/DC

"You'll do anything for your parents, right?"

"You understand that this is the only way, don't you?"

The black car comes for you in the dead of night and you climb in, sandwiched between your mother and father in the back seat. The driver never turns to look back at you, never says a word on the entire silent ride.

You can't look out the tinted windows because your parents block them with their bowed heads. So you stare ahead blankly, trying hard not to think about what you're about to face.

The car comes to a stop much too quickly for your liking. The driver opens the left side door and you and your family climb out slowly.

The house in front of you is huge- definitely considered a mansion by everyday standards. The lights filter through the windows, lighting up the night and casting eerie shadows across the sprawling front lawn. There's a tacky hedge maze to the right of the manor and you can't help but scoff at how rich people waste their money.

As you and your parents approach the tall double doors, they open and a man motions for you to walk through the doorway. Your parents, as meek as ever, wait for you to enter before they do. You trudge after the man who opened the door, tears pricking your eyes as you wonder what's to come of you.

You're led to the living room of the mansion, where a man is draped over the sofa lankily. One strand of darker hair hangs lazily from his head, his yellow and gray eyes scrutinizing you from behind the strand the moment you walk through the archway.

A chandelier hangs directly above you and you wish it would fall on your head and bring an end to this torture.

"Mr. Leech, we've come to, um, offer up our daughter in place of our debt."

You stare up at the chandelier, blinking back tears. You're furious with this man before you, who bullies and threatens his clients. You're furious at your parents, for even thinking of handing you over like this. And, most of all, you're furious with yourself for being too weak to fight this.

Floyd Leech grins widely, "You're giving up your only child so you don't have to pay me?" His lidded eyes look you up and down and his smile only grows. You try not to let your disgust show when he reaches forward and grabs your hand, tugging you closer to him.

"Shrimpy's pretty cute," he coos, and it's then that you know your fate is sealed.

"I'll take her."


Floyd plays with a strand of your hair, burying his face into the side of your neck, landing a gentle kiss on it and chuckling when you shudder. His hands are flaked with dried blood and you know what that means.

He always seeks your companionship after killing someone.

Maybe it's the guilt of committing murder, or maybe it gets him riled up, but either way, you were his cuddle buddy for at least a couple of hours. You begin to squirm in discomfort, trying to give yourself some space from him.

The bulge of a gun grazes your side as he holds you closer. It's a subtle warning.

Your fighting spirit evaporates.

You hate your parents. You hate him. You hate yourself.

If only you had been just a little stronger.

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