None of Your Concern (Tamaki Suoh)

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Title: None of Your Concern

Pairings: Tamaki Suoh x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes, swearing, Tamaki is once again an asshole

Summary: Tamaki can't move on from you, even though it's his fault you left.

"Get your bitch ass off of my phone

Please leave me alone

I am not your girl anymore

You need to watch your tone"

From "None of Your Concern" by Jhene Aiko

It's a terrible feeling, the moment your life falls apart, shattering like glass.

You had never liked Tamaki being in the host club, but you had grinned and beared it as best you could. He had been so excited to start it with his friends that you couldn't help but admire his enthusiasm and had given him the go-ahead, as long as he didn't go too far with the girls.

You hated sharing your boyfriend with all of the other girls in the school. You hated seeing him acting like he was enamored with every girl who sat as his table.

You had stopped attending the host club shortly after it was created, unable to stand watching your boyfriend feed other girls cake and compliment them, calling them "princess" just like he did for you. He was understanding and apologetic, reminding you that the other girls meant nothing to him. That it was all just an act.

Despite the tugging on your heart and the way your stomach twisted unpleasantly, you believed him.

Until now.

One of Tamaki's hands lay seated on another girl's back, pulling her closer into the kiss he had clearly initiated. His other hand delicately cupped her cheek, so much gentler than he had ever treated you.

Your bag, which had been slung over one shoulder, slipped and hit the ground with a loud THUMP. The two broke apart, still gazing into each other's eyes.

"Kyoya, I told you not to bother me," Tamaki said crossly, not looking away from the other girl for even one second.

A small sob bubbles up from your lips before you can stop it. You had felt so numb that it took even you by surprise. Tamaki's eyes dart over to the door and he freezes. You can see the horror seize him and you could tell his brain was working furiously, trying to come up with an excuse that you would buy.

"Princess Suki just wanted... I mean..." You could hear the panic in his voice as he searched for the right words, the words that would magically make this okay. You both knew better- knew that there was nothing he could say anymore that would fix his mistakes.

"Don't bother," you managed to say through the massive lump stuck in your throat, "Just..." words fail you, but the meaning is clear. You want nothing more to do with Tamaki Suoh.

You turned on your heels and ran from the room. Only when you're far enough away from the classroom do you let the tears fall.

You're plagued by "what ifs" and a mountain of "whys". You found yourself thinking back to the girl Tamaki had been kissing. It's because she's prettier, isn't it? Did she have something I didn't?

Your phone buzzed to life with a text. "Can we talk?" You ignore it. "Please?" A few moments of silence graced you before your phone began to ring. You sent it straight to voicemail.

By the time you made it home, your phone had 13 missed calls and dozens of texts. You put your phone on silent and placed it on the nightstand, getting straight into bed. It's way too early to go to sleep, but you feel as though you've run ten marathons. You fell asleep without changing your clothes and awoke to hundreds of texts and about 50 new calls.

You decided to give yourself a day off from school, not ready to face Tamaki or "Suki". It was a Friday, so you would have the weekend off as well. Your head seemed to weigh a thousand pounds and you had trouble lifting it from the pillow.

You gingerly sniffed your clothes and winced at the smell of sweat. A shower was desperately needed. You hurried off to the bathroom and strip, waiting for the running water to turn from freezing cold to a scalding heat, just the way you liked your showers.

A knock sounded at your door. You weighed your options and ultimately decided to ignore it. You weren't expecting any visitors. It was probably just a door-to-door salesman or something.

You slipped into the shower, instantly warmed by the hot water. You let out a pleased sigh as the heat hits your head and back. The knocks at the door became more insistent.

Now that you were in the shower, there was no way you were hopping right back out. You resolved to just take a quick shower and figure out who was at the door after that. Whoever it was could wait, right? But now you had the nagging worry in the edge of your mind that there might really be an emergency.

The knocking continued intermittently throughout your short shower and you hurriedly dressed, half-stumbling to the door and flinging it open once you were decent. There, on your doorstep, with puffy red eyes, was Tamaki Suoh.

You immediately slammed the door in his face.

"(Y/n)! Please open the door! I'm so sorry, I made a horrible mistake! Please take me back! I... I can't live without you."

You had expected to feel guilty or sad, but instead a cold indifference froze over your heart. "Get off my property or I'll call the police." Tamaki tried to protest, but your icy voice informed him, "I'm serious."

You watched through the frosted glass as he reluctantly retreated, figurative tail between his legs. You felt a rush of satisfaction, immediately followed by a wave of sadness. All you could do was bury your face in your hands and sob into them.


It was an accident, really it was.

Tamaki had been using Kyoya to pass on messages after you threatened to get a restraining order on him. Kyoya clearly thought it was stupid, but he always seemed to obey Tamaki.

Except now..

Lips pressed together in bliss, his hand on the small of your back, pulling you close just like Tamaki and Suki. This time it was Tamaki's turn to walk in on the two of you.

You weren't cheating on him, but you still felt the warm satisfaction of revenge as Tamaki stared at the two of you with disbelieving eyes. His eyes filled with tears and he wasn't shy about letting them fall from down his cheeks, gathering under his chin and dripping to the floor below.

"How could you?" His voice was choked up, just like yours had been. Serves him right, you think savagely.

"I'm not yours anymore, Tamaki. I can do whatever I want," you snap at him, cold as ice.

Tamaki's face goes blank, tears still dripping from his eyes as he glares at Kyoya.

You weren't his, huh?

Well, he could change that.

Dark Obsession (Yandere! Various Fandoms x F! Reader One-shots)Where stories live. Discover now