Unrecognizable (Hajime/Izuru)

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I'm kind of using the whole Izuru Kamakura plot a bit, but having him remain mostly Hajime

Title: Unrecognizable

Pairings: Hajime Hinata x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes, spoilers for Danganronpa (SDR2), Hajime isn't exactly Kamakura but kind of?

Summary: The Hajime you once knew is gone.



not able to be recognized or identified.

It's days like these- gloomy, rainy days- that you miss Hajime most.

You used to spend these days inside, peering out the window in a comfy chair, wrapped up in a cozy blanket. Hajime would do the same, staring at the rainy weather in a comfortable silence that warmed you more than any blanket.

He'd make you both hot cocoa, acting like it was no big deal that he put it together for the both of you, acting like he would do the same for anyone else. You knew he wouldn't.

You missed the way his fingers would intertwine with your own and the way he'd pull you roughly across the couch until you were practically in your laugh. He'd hide his blush and pretend that he wasn't flustered at all by your close proximity. You knew he was.

Hajime had been the perfect boyfriend in your eyes. Maybe, for some people, his tsundere attitude would be a turn-off, but you found it cute- endearing even.

You could picture a future with him. A wedding. A family.

But Hajime had one fatal flaw.

Some people dream of wealth and blow all their money in casinos, trusting their life savings to lady luck. Some people dream of love and sacrifice their true selves and their dignity, willing to do anything if someone, anyone would look their way.

Hajime dreamed of talent.

Hope's Peak Academy drew Hajime in like a moth to a flame, burning him with its intensity. Your childhood friend turned lover longed for recognition as an ultimate student.

No matter how much you reassured him that he was talented, Hajime wanted to be the best at something. Anything.

Hajime became obsessed with his dream, enrolling as a reserve course student at Hope's Peak Academy. But it wasn't enough, it was never enough.

And then the school gave him an offer. They would give him his dream, at the possible cost of his personality and memories.

You told him flat-out that it wasn't worth it. What was the point of receiving an ultimate talent if it meant you might lose yourself?

But Hajime didn't seem to care what you thought. He practically salivated at the idea of receiving a talent. It became his one and only goal. And you were placed on the sidelines.

"If you go through with this, then we're through, Hajime Hinata!"

You'd yelled that at him with tears in your eyes, sure that he'd drop it at once. Once he saw how serious, how broken you were about this, surely he'd give up on this crazy plan.

"Then we're through." He'd said it with a simple shrug, one that sent shockwaves through your heart.

The dam broke and the tears flooded your eyes, spilling down your trembling cheeks. He walked past you without so much as a glance backwards.

It was over. You had accepted that eventually, with much ice cream and TV. You didn't expect to see him ever again, especially considering that this surgery could very well wipe his memory completely.

So who could blame you for laughing when, 8 months later, a stranger came up and claimed to be Hajime Hinata.

Hajime's eyes weren't red. His hair wasn't that dark and not nearly that long. From the way he held himself and the way he talked, this person was a total stranger.

It took you a while to realize this stranger was telling the truth. You could make out the shape of Hajime's face, even if it was sharper now somehow.

"You're not my Hajime." The words slip from your mouth, but you know that they're the truth. This stranger holds you in cold disinterest, as though he doesn't want to be there. Even though he's the one that approached you in this little family diner.

There's a silence that is nowhere near comfortable, not like the ones that used to envelop you back in the good old days. The man looks down at you, disdainful at best, disgusted at worst.

"Did you get what you wanted?" You snapped, the old emotions seizing hold of you suddenly, "Did you get your precious talent? Was it worth it? Was it worth losing... losing me?"

You'd begun to cry again and you curse yourself for making a scene. It may have been your imagination, but you swore a look of deep sadness flitted across Hajime's face, for only a moment before the cold expression returned.

"I received many talents. That is what I yearned for, yes."

"You don't even sound the same!" You burst out savagely, "You're not my Hajime! You're not even recognizable! That surgery changed you- just like I said it would! Why are you even here?"

"I used my talent to find you," Hajime replied simply.

You shook your head, disgusted, "I wish you hadn't."

You slammed the money on the table, knowing it was way more than the bill would say, and stormed out of the restaurant as an emotional mess. Hajime followed, much to your dismay.

"Listen, (Y/n), please."

Despite your anger, you turn to look at him, your hands reaching up to rub at your arms. The man before you looks nothing like Hajime and, if you were being honest, he kind of scared you.

Hajime continued, "I achieved everything I ever wanted to- I received every talent imaginable. I became talent. But I realized too late that I had thrown away something more important." He reached out a hand to you, but you took a step backwards.

"Don't touch me," you breathed.

He looked as though you'd shot him through the heart, "You were always there for me, you cared about me before I was talented. Please, join me, and I will have everything I ever wanted."

Your stare morphed into a glare, "As far as I'm concerned, the Hajime I knew is dead. Enjoy the talent you always wanted, because I want nothing to do with you."

"You'll regret that," the new Hajime said coolly.
You shivered and began to walk away from the man you'd once loved.

"I have every talent in the world, (Y/n). I can find you again, easily. I can do whatever I want and you can't stop me."

The way he said it left you terrified. It was such a matter-of-fact tone. One that your Hajime would have never used.

"It doesn't matter if you think the old Hajime is dead, (Y/n), because I am very, very much alive."

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