Taken By Surprise

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Requested on my Tumblr.

Also, I know nothing about basketball, so I tried to leave it vague. Let's just pretend that boys teams play girls teams for some reason, okay?

Title: Taken By Surprise

Pairings: Asahina Subaru x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes, slight misogyny

Summary: Subaru underestimated you and the attraction he feels for you.

30 seconds left on the clock.

Sweat dripped down Subaru's face as he tried to get ahold of the ball. Stolen again by the pretty number 3. Her ponytail cut through the air as she dribbled the ball to the other side of the court and, before he could stop her, leapt into the air.

The ball left her hands and sank through the hoop without touching the rim. The ball had just barely hit the ground when the buzzer sounded, signaling the end of the game and a heavy loss for Subaru's team.

He had thought it would be easy to beat a girls' team. Boys were stronger, after all. But the girls team was strong, especially their number 3. You.

Subaru watched as you high-fived your teammates, glowing with victory. He couldn't help but feel jealous. That should be his victory that you stole. And he couldn't figure out how you had done it.

There was something so graceful about the way you played. The way your body soared through the air, the way you landed after a jump, the way you ran across the court- it was all done in a way he'd never seen before.

It made him feel awkward and clumsy just watching you.

There had to be some sort of secret behind your moves. A secret technique that he couldn't see in the excitement of the game.

And he wanted to know just what it was.


Subaru was lucky that you attended the same college that he did. That way, he could end practice a little early with the excuse that he felt under the weather, and cut across the grass field separating the girls' gym from the boys'.

He had to stand on a fire hydrant to see through the high windows of the gym, but it was worth it. He could spot you right away- your pretty hair tied back as you ran across the waxed floors, basketball bouncing beside you.

He couldn't understand what technique you could possibly have that was better than his. You were a girl, smaller than him, weaker than him... What did you have that he didn't? What magic did you possess to make you naturally so much better than him?

For one, you were lithe and quick, making it easy for you to steal the ball and cross the gym with it. You could duck under his lanky arms and outpace him easily. Two, you seemed intelligent enough to outplay him in some cases.

For some reason, he kept thinking back to the times you were close to him during the game. So close that he could feel your body heat. How almost adorable it was that you were trying to guard him when you couldn't measure up to his size or strength.

Watching from this angle, he could appreciate your gracefulness even more. You were like a butterfly flitting weightlessly across the court, yet a force to be reckoned with once you got the ball. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee really fits someone like you. He thought.

Practice ended too quickly for him to figure out your secret. He knew, logically, that he should wait for tomorrow's practice, but when you slipped out of the gym, smiling brightly as you waved goodbye, he couldn't help but follow you. He lagged behind you, ducking behind hedges and cutting through front lawns, buzzing with excitement to see your secret routine.

Unfortunately for him, you went straight inside your house once you arrived, not stopping to mess around with the hoop attached to your garage. He considered going home, but something drew him nearer.

He checked through each window. Living room, kitchen, main bedroom, hallway, and, finally, your bedroom. Deep in his quickly-beating heart, he knew this is where he wanted to be. He took a position in the hedges and watched as you lay down on your bed and began to play on your phone.

This wasn't what he had planned. You weren't playing basketball, not even in mobile game form. And yet, here he was, watching you through the window like a creep. He knew he had crossed a line, but he couldn't bring himself to care. Not when you had such a pretty smile on your lips.

It was the first time he'd considered that his fascination with you had less to do with your basketball skills and more to do with, well, you.

And he wasn't sure he could stop.

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