Frayed Edges of Sanity (Kokichi Ouma)

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Title: Frayed Edges of Sanity

Pairings: Kokichi Ouma x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes, Kokichi is a ghost, murder

Summary: Are you losing your mind, or is someone behind all of the hallucinations after all?

"Fighting the fear of fear

Growing conspiracy, myself is after me

Frayed ends of sanity

Hear them calling"

-From "Frayed Edges of Sanity" by Metallica

"So this is the place," you wrinkled your nose a little as you looked at the decaying house.

A patchwork roof riddled with holes, peeling paint, a generally displeasing aura... that about summed up the manor you were met with.

But it was a house. And it was free. What kind of person would turn that down?

Apparently your great uncle, who you had never met, had entrusted this house to you for some reason. The whole thing seemed like a scam but here it was- an actual place to live. No strings attached.

There was no path to the front door, so you walked through the yard, grass crunching under your boots. The yard is choked with weeds and the grass is turning brown. The entire property is one big mess.

"This is going to take a ton of work," you groaned. You should've known this would be a little too good to be true.

But still, it was a house. Not your tiny, musky, thin-walled apartment or an extra room at your parents' place.

You unlocked the door and pulled it open, ignoring the ear-splitting creak it gave you in reply. There was a mirror in the entryway and you nearly walked by it, when something in your peripheral vision flashed in the glass. You took a step back, but the mirror didn't show what you thought you'd seen.

No dark-haired boy in sight.

You shook your head, banishing the thought from your mind. It had simply been a trick of the light, that's all.

Your therapist had suggested you keep a journal to document your mental state. Since you were starting over your life in a new home, you might as well start a new habit.

January 8th

Got a new house! Finally out of that awful apartment.

Looking forward to a brand new start.


January 26th

I feel like someone's watching me. And all night, I hear giggling.

I think I'm going insane.

You put the pen down and buried your face in your hands. Every day, you felt like you were slowly going crazier.

Your furniture kept rearranging itself, your possessions kept disappearing, you kept hearing a voice whispering in your ear, telling you to turn around, only for you to find nothing there.

You climbed into your bed and pulled the covers up to your ears. You closed your eyes but the feeling that someone was watching you was overwhelming.

You opened your eyes and were met with a pair of purple ones.

"Good moooorning, sleepyhead!" A playful voice met your ears. Your blood ran cold- that voice was the same one whispering and giggling in your ears since the day you walked in.

The dark-haired boy was floating upside down, arms behind his head as he regarded you with amusement.

"Who... What are you?" You demanded, scooting back on your bed until your back hit the headboard.

"I'm Kokichi Oma," the boy replied. He puffed out his chest and added, "I'm a ghost."

"Why am I only seeing you now?" You asked suspiciously.

"Get up," Kokichi's grin grew, "Get up and you'll see."

He held out a hand to you, but you waved it away from you, anger bubbling up inside of you. He'd been bothering you for weeks, making you think you were insane.

You slowly stood up, watching Kokichi carefully. He merely gave you a closed-eyed smile and pointed behind you, "Now turn around."

You obeyed him and, as soon as you did, your entire body froze.

There, on the bed, lay your body.

Your eyes were open, unseeing, glazed over with death. Your skin was several shades lighter than it usually was and a dribble of blood had dried on your lips. A knife was driven through your chest, blood soaking through the shirt in the area around the blade.

"I'm... dead..." You stared at your body, realizing only now that you were just a spirit, "Kokichi... what happened?"

"I killed you," Kokichi supplied cheerfully.

"What?!" You shrieked, "Why?"

"So you could finally be with me," Kokichi pouted, "You couldn't even see me while you were alive. But I hung out with you for a while and decided that we should be together!"

"What is wrong with you?" You screamed, "You killed me because you wanted me to be able to see you?"

"That's not the only reason," Kokichi said, "Now, I have you all to myself." Kokichi let out a loud giggle, "If you don't believe me, try talking to anyone else. They can't hear or see you."

"I'm all you've got left."

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