You Give Love a Bad Name (Ruggie Bucchi)

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Requested on my Quotev!

Title: You Give Love a Bad Name

Pairings: Ruggie Bucchi x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes, mild violence

Summary: Your new boyfriend is becoming more and more controlling.

"Chains of love got a hold on me

When passion's a prison, you can't break free

Woah, you're a loaded gun, yeah

Oh, there's nowhere to run

No one can save me, the damage is done"

-From "You Give Love a Bad Name" by Bon Jovi

It's days like these that you remember how it all began.

You remember the way he looked up at you with sparkling eyes and a half-playful, half-genuine grin, holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers up to you from his kneeling position. The way he so sweetly asked you to be his and then the little giggle he gave you when you accepted... it was all so innocent and heart-warming.

It's hard to believe the same boy would become so controlling.

"I think I should go," your friend says quickly, bringing the conversation to an abrupt close. He's looking over your shoulder at something, mild panic in his eyes. You don't have to guess what he's seen.

You don't bother turning around, a little sigh leaving your mouth as you say, "Ruggie..."

Arms wrap around your waist and his chin rests on your shoulder. You can imagine the pout on his face and darkness in his eyes as he whispers in your ear, "I don't like when you hang out with him."

You bite back the retort lingering in your mind. You don't like when I hang out with anyone, Ruggie.

His tail wraps possessively around your thigh and your friend gives you a hurried wave, gathering his things and scurrying away like a frightened mouse. You wonder what Ruggie's done to make him react like that, but your imagination doesn't have to stretch far.

You know he'd do anything to keep you by his side.

The grip around your waist tightens and his chin digs into your shoulder a bit more as he takes a deep breath, inhaling your scent. It's the hyena part of him, and you hate to think you used to find it endearing.

"You know I do this because I care, right?" Ruggie murmurs softly into your neck, "I just want to keep you safe."

"Safe from what?" you snap, "My friends?"

Ruggie removes his head from your shoulder and spins you around to face him. He's frowning at you, his hyena ears flat against his skull, "They don't understand you like I do. They'll only hurt you."

Anger rushes through you. All of your friends either avoid you or run away at the sight of your boyfriend. You're sick of this. You're sick of him.

"Ruggie, I want to break up."

Ruggie's body seizes up and he lets go of your waist in shock. He's staring at you like you just tore his heart out of his chest and maybe you did. His eyes fill with tears and you feel a wave of guilt.

You take a step back and Ruggie's hand trembles as he reaches out for you. "You... you don't mean that. You can't... you can't mean that." His voice breaks and a tear escapes his right eye.

Fighting against the wave of guilt that threatens to drown you, you say, "Yes, Ruggie, I mean it. You're too controlling, I can't take it!"

His eyes widen with desperation, "But I love you!" You wince at the confession. "I'm doing this for you! I want to be with you forever!"

"Love is about trust, not control," you say softly, "And you have zero trust for me."

The tears are streaming down his cheeks now. His tail is drooping and his ears are flattened further against his hair. He looks utterly broken.

You grit your teeth and steel yourself. You're done being isolated. You're done watching your friends run away from you in fear.

Ruggie sniffles, "Please don't leave me. I'll change. I'll do anything! Just don't leave me!"

You turn away, "I'm sorry, Ruggie, but I'm done."

His expression shifts. The tears keep falling, but they're slipping from narrowed, darkened eyes.

"If you leave me, I'll have nothing."

You jump at the deep, rough tone of his voice. It's like he's growling at you. You take a step back involuntarily.

"I can't let you go. You belong to me."

A shiver runs down your spine, "Ruggie, you need to understand-"

"No!" Ruggie yells. It's at this moment you realize the courtyard is deserted, no one in earshot to witness his reaction, "You aren't allowed to leave me!"

Fear coils in your gut. You take another step back, but Ruggie follows, closing the distance, "Ruggie, please, calm down."

"Calm down?" he repeats, letting out a laugh tinged with hysteria, "You're breaking my heart and you want me to calm down?"


The hyena grabs your wrist in an ironclad grip- it feels like he might break it if he squeezes any tighter, "You're not leaving."

You look wildly around the courtyard, struggling against his hold. There's no one around, no one to come to your aid. "Let me go, please!" you cry out, your voice trailing off in a whimper as your bones creak under his tightening grip. There's a sudden snap and you scream out in pain as your wrist breaks.

His eyes are wild, tears still streaking down his cheeks, "I can't lose you. I won't lose you."

He pulls you close by your broken wrist and, before long, you're crying too. In pain and in fear.

Tears drip onto your head as he whispers into your ear one simple word. A word that sends chills down your spine.


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