Vision of Love (Chihiro Fujisaki)

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Title: Vision of Love

Pairings: Chihiro Fujisaki x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes, reader thinks Chihiro is a girl, AU

Summary: Chihiro is the only person you can rely on.

"The love that came to be

Feel so alive

I'm so thankful that I've received

The answer that Heaven has sent down to me"

-From "Vision of Love" by Mariah Carey

Chihiro was fine with playing pretend as long as you were involved.

He doubted you would be as clingy with him if you knew the truth about his gender. He originally had hid his true identity to avoid being bullied, but it had come in handy when you came to him searching for comfort.

Your sisters had been in the class above you until they were revealed to be Ultimate Despairs. When the next year rolled around and word spread that another Enoshima was entering the school, everyone was on edge. Would there be a third Ultimate Despair?

But then, you appeared.

Your head was bowed most of the time and you avoided eye contact. You fiddled with your fingers and spoke in such a small voice anytime someone addressed you. The school slowly relaxed. Surely, if you were another Ultimate Despair, you'd have more confidence like Junko or toughness like Mukuro.

Chihiro began to notice little things about you. Things that made him realize that maybe you had suffered just as much as the school had at the hands of the Ultimate Despairs.

For one, you were touch-starved. All Chihiro had to do was play up his role a little and you were putty in his hands. He was just a touchy friend and you? You ate it up. You melted into every hug, you gladly held his hand, and you cuddled up to him without a second thought.

He wanted to tell you that he was really a boy. He wanted you to see him not as a female friend, but as a potential partner.

But how to bring it up? Wouldn't you feel betrayed?

It didn't help that all the other girls in your class and several in his own year were growing closer to you. So close that he found his position as "best friend" threatened on more than one occasion. He was starting to panic.

To take the edge off, he found himself turning to less savory means to feel closer to you. He had finished Alter Ego and, when you had trusted him with your purse while you used the bathroom, he had taken your phone and installed a version of Alter Ego in it.

Every text you sent, every call you made... Chihiro knew it all.

He jolted out of his reverie when you wrapped your arms around his own. It was perfect the way you clung to him like you needed him, all because he was kind to you. But there was the problem of how to get rid of the other girls.

He wasn't going to do anything too extreme, but there had to be a way. His eyes flickered to where Sayaka and Hina leaned against the wall, giggling.

"They're talking about you, you know," the words slipped out of Chihiro's mouth before he even realized he'd thought them.

"What?" Your eyes widened as you followed his gaze, "What do you mean?"

"Well, it's because you're the Ultimate Despairs' sister," Chihiro had never thought he was good at lying, but it was as though it came as second nature when he spoke to you, "The conversation came up again recently and pretty much everyone is talking about you behind your back. I've told them to knock it off, but no one listens to someone like me." He gave his best pitiful expression, looking up at you as though he truly were helpless.

You looked distraught, tears filling your eyes as you choked out, "I thought everyone had moved past that..."

Chihiro's heart clenched at the sight of your distress, but he pressed onwards, "I'm so sorry, (Y/n)," he pulled you into a hug, "I didn't want to upset you, but you should know the truth. Not everyone cares for you as much as I do."

He felt you go boneless in the hug and he tightened his grip, "It'll be okay, I'm here for you."

He reluctantly let you go and watched as you wiped tears off on your sleeve. Even when crying, you were beautiful.

"I'm going to the bathroom to wash up," you whispered. Chihiro waved as you scurried away.

He watched you disappear before pulling out his phone.

"Alter Ego?" He whispered. The animated version of himself popped up on the screen. Chihiro smiled at it.

"I need you to fake some texts from Sayaka and Hina," Chihiro said with a smile, "When this is over, all (Y/n) will have is me."

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