Almost (Nagito Komaeda)

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Title: Almost

Pairings: Nagito Komaeda x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes, spoilers, self-mutilation, self-deprecation

Summary: Nagito finds love in a very unexpected place.

"I wouldn't know where to start

Sweet music playing in the dark

Be still, my foolish heart

Don't ruin this on me"

-from "Almost" by Hozier

Nagito's heard of you, of course. Junko Enoshima and Mukuro Ikusaba's little sister. Even the Future Foundation doesn't know if you're a third Ultimate Despair or a victim of your sister's cruelty as well.

He just didn't expect to see you here.

He had planned, ever since watching Junko's death on TV, that he would take a part of the Ultimate Despair and attach it to him. By taking a part of Junko, he would absorb a part of her power, he hoped. He would become one with despair so he could overcome it with hope over and over again.

To be honest, even he wasn't sure entirely why he wanted to do such a thing. Maybe he was just as obsessed with her as his former classmates. He hoped not. After all, Junko was against everything he stood for.

Nagito pushed those thoughts aside and focused on his goal. He'd have all the time in the world to consider why he so badly wanted to become one with the person he hated most later. For now, he had to go see what was even left of her body.

Hope's Peak Academy stood proud and tall against the wrecked city- easily the tallest building that remained. The round once-deadlocked entrance was just a hole in the front of the school now, open for Nagito to walk inside.

He obliged the silent invitation, soon finding himself walking the halls of his old school. Maybe it would be nostalgic, if he could feel that sort of thing anymore. Instead, it's a dull ache in his chest that he easily ignores.

He traversed through the school, looking for the scene he saw on his TV- the execution room where Junko had met her end. He doubted anyone had tried to move her body after the show had ended.

Sure enough, he soon spotted the machine that had crushed the mastermind. To his surprise, it was reset in the "up" position instead of down, smashing Junko's body, like it had been left. He hurried over, worried that someone else had gotten to her before him, only to stop and stare at the girl crouching at Junko's side.

It was you, (Y/n) Enoshima. Sister of the twin Despairs. The last living Enoshima child.

Nagito watched as you scurried away from Junko's body, giving him a worried look. He couldn't blame you. After all, you seemed much too sweet and pure to be an Ultimate Despair. He could tell that from just looking at you.

He sat down next to the body and pulled out a knife. It was time to get to work, to combine the Ultimate Despair with himself, a servant of hope.

Nagito began to saw through his arm, biting his lip as the pain washed over him. He tried to hold back the screams of agony, but they still escaped his mouth. Finally, the severed hand fell to the ground with a sick thud.

He grimaced as he looked down at the stump. It was sick of him to do this, but he needed to. To his surprise, a white cloth was wrapped around it immediately. He looked up and found you dutifully wrapping it around his wrist.

It must have been disgusting, as his blood soaked through the thin white handkerchief, but you still did your best with it. Nagito stared at you, heart pumping in his chest.

Oh, you were so full of hope, weren't you? How precious, how beautiful you were! To lower yourself to care for trash like him was simply incredible!

Nagito forgot about Junko's arm and, maybe even for a moment, he forgot about despair.

He grasped your arm with his remaining hand and grinned from ear to ear, hyperventilating from the excitement he felt. "To think, an Ultimate Hope born from the same womb as the Ultimate Despairs!"

You looked at him, confused, but he frightened any potential words from your mouth. Nagito was crazed, creepily staring at you as though you were the answer to everything he had been searching for.

"I don't need to combine myself with a Despair. No, no, I need to subject you, a being filled with such unimaginable hope, to my despair and watch you win, over and over again!"

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