Liberio Liebling (Porco Galliard)

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Title: Liberio Liebling

Pairings: Porco Galliard x Reader

WARNINGS: yandere themes, heavy spoilers

Summary: Why must he feel this way about an island devil?

The aftermath of the attack on Liberio had left all of the warriors feeling drained and broken. Most of the survivors had lost family and friends and all of them were feeling the loss of prodigy beast titan holder Zeke.

Porco was plagued with something different than the others. Sure, he felt the pain of loss and grief, but there was something else, something he couldn't tell anyone else. There had been a moment where all of the other soldiers had faded away, leaving one particular soldier in his sights.

You looked so beautiful with your hair blowing in the wind, suspended in midair with your maneuvering gear. You were ethereal to him, landing so gracefully on the rooftops, your boots barely making a sound. You looked gorgeous in all-black, but he wondered what you'd look like in civilian's clothes. Like Levi, you wore the wings of freedom cape, which billowed behind you like angel's wings.

Porco was sure his heart had stopped once he had spotted you for the first time. Even with Eren to fight, his eyes strayed, looking for you. When he was forced to break through the crystal with his teeth, his gaze locked on you.

Your gaze had been so pitying and sad, unable to look away from the terrible sight, even as Lara Tybur was turned into a human smoothie for the dreaded Attack Titan. You showed no hint of victoriousness, just a deep, deep sadness.

You were an island devil, a disgusting, horrible creature since birth. And, yet, despite all of Porco's loyalty, he couldn't help but dream about you every night.

His dreams varied, but all were romantic to a fault. Cuddling, dating, marriage, children... he wanted to deny that he wanted these things, but his dreams and daydreams betrayed him.

As awful as it was, he was in love with a devil.


Porco waited patiently as the merchant took his money in exchange for a loaf of bread. Something was off- he could feel eyes boring through his back. He turned around suddenly and his eyes went wide as he spotted you.

Your eyes went just as wide and you quickly brought a newspaper to your face. He stared at you, taking in your presence. You wore nice clothing and an Eldian armband, obviously trying to fit in. If you had been any other soldier, he wouldn't have recognized you.

You were an island devil. You were spying on him and his home. He should be furious, vengeful... but instead he was excited, his heart pounding with anticipation as he approached you.

Your heart pounded too, but for an entirely different reason. You could hear him approaching you in the nearly-empty street. You tried to keep your composure, reminding yourself of your mission. Gather intelligence after the brutal attack on Liberio.

The intensity of his gaze unnerved you, but the fact that his armband was red scared you more. He was probably a titan shifter! He could transform into one of those terrifying titans you had seen months ago and eat you right here and now!

You were supposed to blend in and go unnoticed- after all, you were a low-ranked soldier and no one worthy to note. Yet, here was a warrior, walking towards you with an expression you couldn't identify.

He stopped in front of you, his low and rough voice asking, "Isn't it a little late to be reading the news?"

You lowered the newspaper and forced a friendly smile, "Just catching up on current events!" Your voice was supposed to sound cheerful, but it wavered in the middle of your sentence.

He didn't smile back and a shiver shot up your spine as you finally recognized him from the many pictures you had been shown back in Paradis. This was Porco Galliard, the current holder of the Jaw Titan.

His eyes raked over you almost hungrily, taking in every detail. "You seem familiar," he said softly, taking a step closer to where you sat on the bench, "Have we met before?"

You tried to think quickly, "Oh, I don't think so. I just moved here recently."

Porco's eyes narrowed, "What's your name?"

"(Y/n)," the name slipped out of your mouth before you could even think of lying.

"(Y/n)," he repeated, as though he were testing the sound of it on his tongue, "Nice to meet you, I'm Porco."

He didn't sound accusatory or angry, so you figured he hadn't figured out who you were yet. You had to get away before he grew too suspicious, "Nice to meet you too. I should really get going. It's getting dark."

Porco's hand shot out and grabbed your wrist firmly, "I think we should talk."

Your heart stopped, "About what?"

He glanced around the empty square and his voice dropped to a whisper, "You're from the island, aren't you?"

You tried to pull your wrist free but his grip tightened, "I don't know what you're talking about."

His hazel eyes softened, but his grip remained firm, "Don't lie, I recognized you from the battle. You were there."

Panic surged through you- your cover was completely blown and you were screwed, "Please, let me go."

He shook his head slowly, a strange smile curling his lips, "No can do. You're coming with me."

He was on you in a flash, covering your mouth and pulling you down a side alley. The sky had darkened and no one was around. He was toned with the strength of a warrior and, despite you being stronger than the average girl, you were still at his mercy.

"Cooperate," he grunted as you slammed your elbow into his chest, "Or I'll turn you in as an island devil."

You went limp in his hold, frustrated and helpless tears leaping to your eyes. This man could transform into a titan and swallow you whole or turn you in and let you be tortured for information, yet he didn't seem to want to do either, so you reluctantly let him drag you down the streets. He led you to a small house and dragged you inside. It was empty, except for the two of you.

He released your wrist and you turned on him, asking, "Why are you doing this? What do you want from me?"

Porco didn't answer, instead moving to a nearby table and picking up the loaf of bread he had bought earlier. He tore it in half and offered it to you. "Eat, you're probably hungry."

You stared at him, "You just kidnapped me and you think I'm going to eat?"

He sighed and set the bread down on the table, "I'm not going to hurt you. I just need to understand."

"Understand what?" you snorted, "Why I'm here? It's because I'm a soldier. I'm on a mission."

"That's not what I mean," he said, voice soft, "I need to know why I can't get you out of my head."

You blinked in surprise, then asked, "Are you going to let me go or turn me in?"

Porco looked up, a haunted expression on his face, "I really should turn you in, but I can't."

Curiosity flooded your mind, "Why not? I don't understand."

"I think..." Porco swallowed hard and looked away bashfully, "I think that I love you."

You made a move for the door and he grabbed your wrist again. When he turned his face back to you, it was serious and hardened. A shudder ran down your spine.

"You're not leaving. Not under my watch."

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