Jishu (Nanase Haruka)

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Title: Jishu

Pairings: Nanase Haruka x Reader

WARNINGS: yandere themes, implied murder, swearing

Summary: You're pretty sure there's something dark inside your kuudere friend.

"Yes! I did it!

I dropped that girl into hell.

So? Is there a problem?

Everyone hated her, right?





- from "Jishu" by Roce

You felt like you could tell Haru anything.

Talking with Haru came easily, the words flowing from your mouth like the waterfalls he loves. You could talk about anything you wanted, and he'd sit there and listen attentively. You could talk about your day, talk on and on about your new favorite book series, or rant about things that went wrong or people that annoyed you.

If you were to be honest, you did a lot more ranting than anything else.

"...and she's just so full of herself!" you finished, flinging your arms out in frustration. Haru barely blinked, watching you with those ocean-blue eyes.

"Does she bother you anymore?" Haru asked simply.

You took a moment to think about it. "Well, I think she's home sick, so she hasn't bothered me the past few days."

Haru nodded seriously and said, "Good."

You really should have put two and two together.


"This guy just won't stop flirting with me," you said in disgust, stabbing your meal with your fork.

Your bad-tempered attention on your food meant you missed the way Haru's eyes darkened with anger. He laid down his chopsticks and looked down at his own meal, appetite gone.

"What's his name?"

"Of course his name is Chad. Why wouldn't it be?" you rolled your eyes, "He doesn't have a big chin like the memes, but damn is his ego big."

"Which class?" Haru asked, his voice suddenly sharper than before.

"We share History," you snorted, "But you'd think it was sex-ed with the way he talks."

Haru's hand curled into a fist but he said nothing.

You continued to vent, completely unaware of Haru's reaction. "I just wish he'd leave me alone," you finished, "He can't take a hint at all."

Haru's eyes met your own. The quiet boy took a moment to think before saying, "He'll change his mind."

You laughed, "If only it were that easy."

Haru nodded and picked up his chopsticks again, eating in silence.

After that day, Chad vanished from your life. He no longer sat next to you in history, putting his lanky arm around your shoulder while you squirmed in disgust. He no longer lingered in the hallways, following you to your locker while boasting loudly. He no longer seemed to exist at all.

At first you were relieved, but worry started to sink in. It had been weeks since anyone had seen him and students were beginning to gossip about what had happened to the creep.

You found Haru swimming in the university pool and approached him, "Hey, Haru- have you heard anything about Chad? He went missing almost a month ago."

Haru stared at you, his expression unreadable, "Why are you asking about him?" his voice was cold- harsher than usual, "I thought you didn't like him."

A chill shot down your spine, "I don't... but it's just weird that he's gone. People are worrying, y'know?"

Haru climbed out of the pool, not breaking eye contact. His eyes narrowed, "Why do you care so much? He was bothering you, right?"

You swallowed dryly, "Well, yeah, but that doesn't mean I want anything bad to happen to him. He's still a human."

"Is that all it is?" Haru's voice was even colder and harsher now, spitting out each word as though they were venom, "You have feelings for him, don't you?"

"Of course not!" you protested, "But-"

You fell silent when a chilling smile graced Haru's face, "Then don't worry. He won't harm you again. No one will ever hurt you again."

Your heart stopped, "Haru... did you do something to Chad?"

The look in his eyes told you everything you needed to know, the near-demonic smile only adding fuel to your terror. "I need to go."

Haru reached out, his hand brushing against your arm gently, "You don't have to worry about him anymore. You don't have to worry about anything. I'll take care of you."

"What did you do?" you demanded.

Haru shook his head, "I wouldn't want to worry you."

You stepped away from him, heart pounding in your chest. This wasn't the Haru you once knew. This was someone dangerous.

You did the only thing you could think of- you fled. You ran like a bat out of hell, all the way back to your dorm. Tears streaked down your face by the time you reached safety.

Haru... your closest confidant... what had he done to those people?

You had doomed them by talking about them to him.

You couldn't decide... did you really want to know what he did...?

Or did you want to live blissfully unaware?

Dark Obsession (Yandere! Various Fandoms x F! Reader One-shots)Where stories live. Discover now