Chapter 15

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Living in the tribe without Beth felt a bit lonely at first for Siara. The incident where Ethan and Beth were forced to tell the truth got her worried so much about her best friend. But after that, Ethan told Kaival that they were fine. Forbidden to take a step out of their bedroom and being under tight watch around the mansion, but fine. Kaival also told them to lay low and just obey the rules. No updates were reported since then, including from Mareen. it seems like Akel was being extremely careful sharing his intention and plan, though clearly it couldn't be good.

After making sure that Ethan and Beth were safe and sound, Siara and Kaival got more relaxed. Kaival still refused to make any move and leaving the Tribe at risk, and shopping for necessity was temporarily prohibited. They turned to nature to replace all kinds of needs. It added more work to be done, but everyone thought it was fun, especially the children who loved collecting different parts of plants.

Staying together with Trish and the children, Siara grew to treasure them more. She had never felt so connected to a community after her family was annihilated. She enjoyed being a part of the Tribe, especially when the children were always happy and energetic. She loved spending time with them, and they loved her like a real sister. She also got to know the other members of the tribe better and felt more at home each day spent with them.

"Siara!" A little girl with dirty blonde hair hugged her from behind.

"Pat!" Siara turned around and picked her up and twirled a few times.

Favoritism might be a sin, but Pat is the one for Siara. She reminded her so much about her delightful, enthusiastic childhood. They giggled before Siara put her down.

"What are you doing?" Pat asked.

"Pulling weeds," Siara bent down and tugged on random grass at the vegetable patches..

Pat eyeing her and around, and then a sly smile formed on her face. "I know what you're doing," she said with a teasing tone.


"You're looking at your mate."

"What? No I'm not and he's not my mate!" Siara frowned, but she couldn't help blushing and peeking across, where Kaival was playing with the wild wolves and some other kids near the water stream..

"You blushed! And I didn't even say a name!" Pat cheered.

"Shut up!"


Siara jumped and covered Pat's mouth before she could shout his name. One of Siara's hand tickled Pat without mercy as a punishment. They both rolled on the grass and dirt. laughing playfully.

"Not fair!" Pat pouted after they both got tired and laid down side by side.

"I swear I'll tickle you until morning if you pull something like that again," Siara laughed.

"Why don't you just tell him you like him?"

"I did, Pat."

"Then what did he say?" Pat rolled and climbed on Siara, her eyes twinkled.

"Hmm... Nothing," Siara made an x with his fingers.

"Whaaat... How disappointing, boo," Pat rolled back down.

"Well what do you expect?" Siara giggled.

"You guys looks good together, this is frustrating," Pat covered her face.

"What?" Siara laughed, "Why would a kid be disappointed over my love life?"

"You're my sister!" Pat stood up, "If you're Kaival's mate, he'll be my brother! How awesome is that?"

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