Chapter 17

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"Ethan." Kaival's voice echoed inside Ethan's head.

"What?" He answered sluggishly.

"Are you still sleeping?"


"Your schedule is so random, I can't decide the best time to contact you."

"Well, try being a prisoner like me, you'd be the same."

"Are you guys okay?"

"Beth and I spend every day together locked in my bedroom, so other than being unable to go anywhere, it's been great." Ethan peeked at the woman curled on his side. He smiled and kissed Beth's head.

"Is Acher home yet?" Kaival asked.

"I can't hear or smell him, so I guess he's still out there."

"It's been a week since I met him and stopped him from his rampage. Is there any update?"

"Nope, warriors are still decreasing and the Beta is still missing. I can hear his wife crying every night, I hope Beta is still alive."

"There's a chance that he's turned into a Mean, and if he does, it's not different than death."

"I feel bad for his mate and everyone that got turned. Now that Acher gave up on Siara, they all suffer for nothing."

"Yeah, that's bad."

They both fell silent, each lost in their own thoughts about the horrors that had befallen a lot of mates that were left alone. Losing a mate to a death was heartbreaking, but having them turned into a monster was surely horrifying. It was a tragedy unlike any other that might be even worse than the members of packs that got slaughtered by Acher, all dying together.

The situation had evolved beyond Kaival's plan for Ethan to take over the Blackstone Pack, and they could not afford to act recklessly anymore. With everything at stake, they needed to be cautious with their next moves.

"The wolves haven't sensed any Means lately so I think they really were helping Acher. Akel also never tells anything to our mother anymore. We should be able to lay low for now. Please keep me informed if anything happens there, okay?" Kaival continued.

"Of course, Bro."

"Stay safe, both of you. Siara sends her love for Beth."

"I'll tell her, she misses Siara too."

"Okay then."

"Hey Kaival."


"Since we're just going to wait, I think it's the best time for you to mark Siara."

"Bye, Ethan." Kaival closed off their telepathic connection.

Ethan smiled to himself as he heard Kaival's voice changed as always when he talked about Siara. He could sense the deep love and affection Kaival felt for her, and was puzzled as to why he would not make her his mate. It was undeniable how much Kaival cherished her, and how much Siara admired him. Such a strong connection should not go wasted.

Having talked frequently with Kaival also filled him with greater respect and affection towards his brother as he saw how much Kaival valued everyone, especially the ones he considered as family. Having such a respectable brother also changed his heart and mind a lot. He felt that he could be a much better individual.

He closed his eyes and snuggled his mate. Beth moaned slightly at his touch, but she didn't open her eyes. He treasured his mate, he never felt happier in his whole life, and he wished Kaival could feel the same happiness soon.

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